JK Lauderdale

But they didn’t really go recruiting KD. Sure, Draymond did a bit on the side but that was player-to-player, nothing said it was a team backed process.

Hush now baby baby, don’t you cry...

Now playing

Has nobody suggested the EM-50 Urban Assault Vehicle?!?

Many, many times do I dislike the rise of social media. As a Dolphins fan, this is not one of them. I never thought I would take the side of John Gruden for anything but the shit that AB has been throwing out at all 8 walls in a 4wall room is astounding.

It’s stuff like this that makes me hopeful for 2020 - When I can

If: Beasley just signed a $2.25mill contract and D Howard just signed a $2.56mill contract

No need for 4/AWD where I live and I’m comfortable with an easy 2step drip desalination-purify process - I’ll just head back to where I grew up, 2blk E-W and 10blk N-S with every street bordered on both sides by brackish canals. Plenty of palm trees to weave drag/cast nets and shit from their fronds. Then you can

***After the storm

Now playing

Yeah but then they’d have an auto-tracking buster for which you’d then have to have the supersecret auto-tracking buster buster... mothafukka!

Shouldn’t we at least have transparent aluminum by now?

Hey now, we’re not tanking, we’re retooling. When retooling it’s sometimes more betterer to have a few tools that can kinda do the job than one tool that can actually complete the task. See, that way allows for flexibility. The other teams don’t know which way you’re going to fail first so they don’t know where to

How old are you? Was anorexia NOT a diagnosed disorder in the 80s?

DO you think it’s a gender specific issue? Do you believe that any particular disorder is incapable of an evolving description/definition under a larger category? We look at pedophiles and now classify them as pedo/hebo/ephebophile when in reality, it’s

When discussing logic with “Pete” up above, my advice would be don’t bother.

Shoving food into kids’ mouths has never worked for anorexia/bulemia. Growing up in S FL, I’ve come across more than enough wanna-be models suffering from 1 or the other.

Meh - With regular flooding and a need to carry 2 kids+dog+cargo... I’ve never looked at one. Truth be told, I rank them 1step above the “Smart” car