JK Lauderdale

But now how will S Florida get its snow this holiday season?!?

It’s actually the same groups, just in different locations. 2017 Pelicants are in LA and the 2012 Thunder have moved to Houston

People actually watch baseball?!?

Have you been down here lately? Miami being underwater is far from unheard of.

So the Pelicans have reunited in LA and the Sonics/Thunder have reunited in Houston... Next up, D Wade and Bosh come out of retirement and LBJ goes to San Antonio!

Nope, he was born without half of his leg bones in bottom half of his legs. Parents apparently chose to have them amputated early on.

Peace and Doves... America

WTF happened?!?

At the end of the day, I think we can all agree that the entire Knickerbockers organization is just pants!

Stereotypes exist for a reason - We’re all guilty of having them and viewing people as a certain “type”. Whether that’s southern redneck, hipster, gay, old business WASP... we all fall into someone’s view of and we hold views of stereotypes.

Simple enough; Beasley, Korver, JR Smith D Wade and Dellavedova.

You have Isaiah Thomas and Nick Young... you’ve got it covered!!!

Kelly Olynyk: 4yr, $50mill

Does it come in black?

Goodness, you dislike a game that others enjoy. Kill the game, burn all (digital) copies... Hang the devs!!!

Second Amendment guarantees all US citizens the right to bear arms. This one’s just representing... Shelfie FTW!!!  

Now playing

This is what happens when worlds collide...

I’ll trade you your Switch for two sheep and a wheat.

Now playing

“Something the Raptors could build on”...”get THEM to the finals” - There is no US, no WE. He’s outta there and it’s a damn shame for both Toronto and Kawhi but it’s his call to make.

***With luck he’s headed to the Clippers where he can wreak havoc on the West and leave my Heat alone

Considering KD’s tedoncy to torn heel, I doubt these 2 will mesh well. Still, at the end of the say, if KD has taught us anything it’s that whining is everything!

***Yes, I know he sacrificed his health for his team. He was a damn fool but a great team player and that counts for quite a bit.