Janet Snakehole

Kylie Jenner brought out a hot pink wig and ‘grammed it with the Mean Girls quote: “I’m not a regular mom I’m a cool mom.”

Thank god we have a victim-blaming man’s opinion here! I mean, if only she’d look into it a bit more, she’d see that the men have it just as bad! Oh well, what more can we expect from some “moron” who just wants to be treated like a human being?

Why are you offended by her being drunk? She wasn’t driving. She was a little salty to the officer and who hasn’t been there.

If Darryl and White Josh don’t get back together before the finale I will riot.

My friend and I have a shorthand word for those shows that are not just great, but all-time-great-seriously-I-pity-you-if-you-haven’t-seen-and-or-disagree-great. We say that show is “pantheon”. The Wire, BSG, Breaking Bad, Deadwood....

I also really enjoy soapy shows and their willingness to do insane shit to keep things interesting — and the fashion/set pieces are glorious — so if you can get past the Ed Westwick of it all: 8/10 would recommend.

I have a problem with how sex work is looked down on...

Because many Mexican-American girls would enjoy playing “brilliant Mexican Woman Artist” the same way generations of WASPy girls had tea parties and ‘overnights’ with lilly white Barbie?

Poor, dumb Lauren.

I feel like male actors get to make a LOT more than 2 critically meh/financially unsuccessful movies before people start questioning whether their careers are over or ruined. Especially if that actor’s resume includes being the lead in a successful franchise and an Oscar win (among three other nominations). Jennifer

Why not use returned stuff as testers? Then everyone knows it has been used and it’s not being wasteful.

It’s fine. I honestly think a lot of this is just a cash grab. Just pay attention to the way things are packaged.

Dating (a lot) younger doesn’t equal harassment. And his former fiancee Rachel Weisz was only a year younger than him. Let’s not get ahead of ourselves.

and the fact that she’d sold out Madison Square Garden twice.

Amazingly Dane Cook gets to be douchey and unfunny without it having anything to do with whether men are funny or not

YESSSS I am italian, i live in France and this is so true. They LOVE pretending they don’t care about looking good, and anything else either really but they are just hypocrites. They care and they are stupid bitches that compete on a sexual level like there was some shortage of dick in France. God I hate them.

Exactly, the French defending sexism?

Right. I support her in coming forward but in other areas, she’s turning out to be a real nasty piece of work. This protest was not all about her, and it’s hypocritical and arrogant of her to act like she’s more feminist and more real than the women in black. She’s contributing to part of the misogynistic narrative

Or, perhaps you could take her at her word and learn the difference between regret and victimization. You want her to be a victim so bad when she, herself, is not calling herself one. You can shove your aggressive labeling up your ass and save it for someone who really needs it.

I’m confused. All I get out of this story is that he’s a chauvinistic jerk-off like we already knew, but she’s also opportunistic because she had consensual sex with him multiple times, knowing he was newly married. In other words, it’s a non-story about two shitty people.