Janet Snakehole

David Cross reminds me of when Liz Lemon goes to her high school reunion on 30 Rock. She doesn’t want to go because she was an awkward geek that nobody liked.

Oh, Matt Damon is totally a jackass. Sorry! :(

Reminder - he wasn’t fired because of his behavior. He was fired because the public found out about it.

Yep, I know journalists have to say “alleged sexual harassment” but I’m calling it -almost definitely a fucking serial rapist.

If he was breaking the law, the NDA doesn’t hold. And he was breaking the damn law, even if it is a law barely followed.

Ashley Judd used to do movies where she was sexy and naked; now she’s all about feminism. THAT’s why a certain segment of the population hates her. They liked jerking it to her picture; how dare she ruin that by talkin’ and stuff?

I signed one too friend. I am singing like a fucking bird. Come find me Harvey. Come fucking find me. Since you worked there you know the solution. Have Meryl Poster put this douchebag on a chain. She is the only person on planet earth who can put him in his place...and she is a piece of work herself. Perhaps more

This is literally my relationship.

non white lady here, it’s a guilty pleasure. At the time I loved the clothes, the apartments, the vast wealth i’d never have. Its stupid escapism.

Come on — guilty pleasures can be necessary, and SATC actually had some pretty decent writing and strong performances by Cynthia Nixon and others.

Sweet “Joan of Arcadia” reference.

And Jerry Sandusky seemed like a great guy to everyone but his victims. Your point?

Having met him and chatted several times, I can say David Cross is a stand-up guy and generally above the showbiz/famous people wankery you tend to see with celebs and people who have helmed a cult-classic sketch comedy show.

He might as well go twenty years back (sorry, not at all equivalent to Thomas Jefferson, etc.) since he’s accusing Tamblyn of being a liar when she’s pointing out something he did back then.

Also, Woods is a garbage person. Who cares if you heard that he was nice to people once? Are you dense?

Nope, I’m sure that isn’t it.

James Woods doesn’t think a 24 year old dating a 17 year old is bad. He thinks a 24 year old guy dating a 17 year old guy is bad.

Remember back in the day when Sharon O was laughing it up on a radio show making fun of Susan Boyle’s appearance? She’s a shitty person.

what did we make her do

If a young girl is spending hours on makeup specifically for a guy? Yeah I can see how that would warrant a chat or two to make sure they knew the difference between doing things YOU want to do and doing them because dudes/society expect you to.