I shouldn’t have to breathe a sigh of relief about this.
I shouldn’t have to breathe a sigh of relief about this.
In my fanfic he does.
We better see his dick this time or I’m gonna burn Universal Studios down.
Anti-choice. That’s the proper term and one I’ve heard used a lot. I like it because it really gets at what the movement is all about: restricting freedoms. These people don’t give a shit about life.
His dad is no slouch in that dept. Either way, Rocco will be just fine. He’s a normal teenager with a pretty embarrassing mother. I think it’s a bit too early to decide what his value is as a person of talent or not. Probably best to just let him be 16, no?
Johnny Depp will control every bit of her life he can for every second he still can.
JK Rowling, get this guy kicked off your next movie, STAT!
Hot take: my beloved Sansa Stark is too good for that Jonas person.
the panicked employee who had called the cops was being “counseled and retrained.”
You know racism’s gotten bad when male cheerleaders think they have the right to make fun of anyone else.
:( Awww, lol
In 2011, Kristin Davis adopted Gemma Rose Davis. In 2016, Davis realized that her whiteness only protects her and not her daughter. Great.
Is this level of vitriol towards Sex and the City chick really warranted? I dunno, I just heard a mom talking about her kid...
that was Darren Aronofsky??
Aronofsky makes better movies so it’s all good.
Re Jennifer Lawrence’s praise of boyfriend, a broken-hearted David O Russell is unavailable for comment as busy making Darren-Aronofsky-shaped voodoo dolls, and seething.
“There needs to be a bridesmaids’ union.”
a big ol fuck up followed by some decent apologies / basic accountability feels like an honest to God palate cleanser at this point.
HELL YES. If I read more think piece about the plight of the middle class white man, I will kill someone. Those lazy ass motherfuckers only had their precious manufacturing jobs because they excluded minorities and women in the forties, fifties, and sixties.