Janet Snakehole

You are, of course, entitled to like her. But when someone explicitly condemns another women for being sexually active, then announces she is “disgusted” with anyone who disagrees, that “extremely sensitive” feminists are “wrongfully offended by something so [they] made up a term to make it bullying,” and relentlessly

Oh, that’s so fucked. I’ve never seen that!

Lagertha approves

And yet, here in this comment is a nugget of the basic problem.

Longtime Jez fan, first time poster. I created this account just now because Jackie was a casual friend of mine and I’m the one who sent the story into Jezebel. Just wanted to say thank you so much for using my tip and posting her story. Jackie was a funny, charming, kind young woman and we are trying to get her story

The man suspected of her murder, 30-year-old Charles Bryant, was also being investigated for stalking and harassing an ex-girlfriend at the time.

I’ma husband and father of two and that link made me realize that I’m really not deserving of the praise that I get (especially from my wife) and that I really need to do a better job of praising her.

“Traditional gender roles” is a coded phrase for male supremacy and an endorsement of the view that (white) women are a second (“special”) class, in need of protection from themselves and others. This is not banal or innocuous, cute or harmless and patriarchy is not a valid culture or “choice” someone has to quietly

That #perfectwoman bullshit. I am lucky if I do like five things a day, and MOST of them are done on my office’s dime bc they have a pretty lax phone and internet usage policy. When I get home, it’s time for Netflix and fatpants.

Let’s all kindly remember who their customer base is now: middle aged traditional Southern and Midwestern white women.

True... But I thought that about mine. The end of our marriage came out of the blue... but once I stepped outside of it, we were fucked up for awhile. I genuinely didn’t see it though until it was over and I got some space. :-\

I don’t know y’all, rehashing this boring interview feels unnecessary and pretty mean-spirited

I just watched that again for the 5th time a few months ago. It still holds up. Just plain breezy fun.

Is this like the Hollywood, glamourized version of the Facebook woman who is always stating how much she loves her boyfriend or husband and she’s #blessed but you really know there’s all kind of shitty baggage in that relationship?

The only thing I know about Justin Theroux is that he was the cowboy in Romy and Michele... and there ends the extent of my Justin Theroux knowledge

Please take that back about Justin Theroux!

And yet, she will still somehow garner an Oscar nomination for this role.