Janet Snakehole

Not them though, because Jesus. Jesus is the answer.

If the food is delivered late, is she going to blame the NBA?

i like the currys but get nervous for any couple/family that bills themselves as a ‘happy family’ for celebrity purposes. that shit is going to come crashing down

Also: don’t rape.

Fixed that for you.

Columbia Pictures might have given this film a huge marketing budget, but I’ve yet to see proof that their marketing team knows what to do with it.

Aren’t...aren’t they making her argument for her?

Leslie Jones, making white dudes uncomfortable since 1998.

It’s such a desperate, transparent attempt to appear intellectual. But really? National Geographic? Pleeeeaaase.

Why does Lea Michele always look like she belongs in a salad dressing commercial?

Even though Trevor Noah probably didn’t have anything to do with the tweet, this post still reminds me of how downhill the show has gone since John Stewart left. It’s cringe inducing.

Take number sweetie lol

STFU Demi.

Nicholas Hoult is looking for love on that app for rich/famous people.

Lively said she “never meant to offend anyone,”

Blake Lively simultaneously bores, annoys, and fascinates me.

This dirt bag needs a brain bleach chaser:

How original. Male artist is guitar genius. Female artist has killer tits. Please do pat yourself on the back for your progressiveness.

Much like South Park, Schumer fearlessly tackles taboo subjects like incest and bodily excretions, except she’s a person, not a cartoon.