Janet Snakehole

She’s just upset and constantly trying to hold back tears. She’s obviously under a ton of stress and it can’t be easy to be giving this speech considering what she’s going through.

she used to look human, now she looks like a plastic alien looking doll

Agreed 100%. TV is, like, actually way better than it’s ever been before (and this has been the case for the last 15 years, more or less). There’s a solid chance that, if these shows are getting rebooted, phenomenal stuff is being passed over in their favor. And I mean, for what? Nostalgia? Ironic “enjoyment” by the

What about a Janet Snakehole Burt Macklin reboot?

Somehow with the X-Files reboot, they managed to remove *any* *trace* of the original magic? Like, they took all the lightning out of the bottle, and then ran it through the dishwasher a couple of times to make sure it was entirely lightning-free.

I love this GIF!


She could. Also it would be cool if she didn’t have to be the perfect champion of everything progressive because she’s one of a small handful of women making it in comedy.

I have oily skin and my skin was never clearer than when I switched to a gentle cream cleanser. Americans and American dermatologists don’t really understand anything about skin. I learned to stop using harsh products after reading about French skincare and how they sometimes don’t even wash their faces in the

How is that clear? Could be, could have just been an epic fuck-up.

TMZ had a Tweet during the Oscars that said something along the lines of nannies don’t look as hot as Jennifer Garner tonight.

It kind of reminds me about that article on Jezebel about how people who are insecure in their relationships are most likely to brag on Facebook. Her narrative of what happened, combined with the fact that he felt he needed to record the conversation, makes me wonder if there is a cheating history there.

As someone who has nannied for the rich, has friends who currently do, I can GUARANTEE Eva is not only terrible to work for but also blowing this way out of proportion.

Between this odd story and the Ben Affleck nanny situation, I feel bad for actual nannies. I feel like more often than not, they are dealing with advances from their employer rather than coming onto the employer.

I’m a little conflicted about this. I mean, unless she purposefully “accidentally” sent the text to gauge how he’d respond, I don’t see the harm. I’ve lusted after people I had no intention of initiating anything with. I just recently sent a text to my good friend about how Daniel Craig isn’t my type but can get it

This is a massive over-share, in my opinion. Why does the world need to know this level of detail about why you fired your nanny? This has a my-husband-is-hot-and-would-never-cheat-on-me-let-me-show-the-world-proof vibe.

And the fact that she started the post with “OH.EM.GEE.”

Ok obviously sexting the boss was entirely inappropriate, but calling your husband a LEGEND because he recorded the firing of her? And then listening to it with all of your girlfriends? That’s kind of just immature and cruel and unnecessary, grow up, you fired her and ended the situation, the humiliation isn't really

So this Nanny didn’t sext or proposition her husband so much send a text meant for her friend extolling his hotness to him by mistake?

They don’t need the money or the exposure. Should they be leaping at the chance to spend several days in close quarters with a Stepford wife religious fanatic? Team Olsen twins!