Janet Snakehole

Rich white lady has nothing to do so she hops on anti-science train coz chemicals are bad. 

What white nonsense is this?

Oh please. “Snooping Through the Instagram of Beyoncé’s Latest Enemy, NBA Wife Nicole Curran” - the title of YOUR article just a few days ago.

I was just gonna say that. They posted a pretty shady article yesterday, just ripe for deranged Beehivers to latch on. Now they wanna circle the drain. 

I fell asleep with makeup a few times (extreme drunkenness or unbeatable laziness) and woke up with the worst breakouts of my life. My pores were so clogged up, it took steam and clay powder few times a week to rinse them out. No thank you Dolly. You are very wealthy and can afford good surgery and LaMer. I can barely

As long as they view women as sperm dumpsters and sandwich makers, they don’t give a shit about our body once they are done with it. How do we make them care? Punish them in the same way for doing the impregnating as they punish a woman getting pregnant. Takes two to tango. 

100% spot on. That episode made me feel nothing. 

Kansas Citian here too! This season was magical and our town is really something else. Highly underrated in the American landscape.

I know how she feels because I have the same problem: bad teeth and hiding my smile (working to fix it with Invisalign). Watching her breakdown from happiness made me baaaaawl. I grew up in Kansas City so this entire season was extra special for me.

Oh please. Its worthy of discussion. There are plenty of fat actors and actresses waiting for their turn, most dont even get auditions. In any case, most actors mentioned in the original comment GAINED weight for those roles anyway.

Maybe hire a fat person to portray a fat character? Talent is out there.

Spot on. If the character is big, hire a big actor. Why is this so difficult? There is plenty of talent out there but they keep sticking with fat suits and offensive prosthetic noses. 

Low sales, huh Kat von Polio?

I loved the movie and the song is great. Lady Gaga is insanely talented and the hate she gets from this website is extremely troubling. Also, its really gross how the media portrayed them. As if men and women can’t be friends or have a meaningful connection without f*cking. It’s misogynistic and disrespectful towards

I gave him benefit of the doubt because I always believe the victim. Chances that someone is lying about violence inflicted on them is statistically low. Smullett is a scumbag should admit what he did, apologize to the black LGBTQ community and serve jail time for fraud. MAGA crowds are eating this shit up and will

Truth right here. I think it has to do with Kim more than the entire smiling concept. This woman can cure cancer and Jezebel will find a way to demonize her.

her brain? Her net worth is $350 MILLION dollars. 

Another manufactured outrage (like the old Christmas songs) to rile up right-wingers and make left-wingers look absolutely batshit insane. 

So, we’re just gonna ignore her drunken white savior shenanigans in Russia when she stalked a family and tried to take their children away?

now that’s the real tragedy. still makes me mad