Janet Snakehole

Its not clear at all. Could have been an honest fuck up.

I agree 100%. This sounds like a private matter to resolve. Nanny was in the wrong for being out of line, but further humiliation is utterly unnecessary.

Why share this private matter? Simply to humiliate the poor woman. No other reason.

What the hell Pam?

“This is what happens when determined women get together.”

and then there is this asshole.

One of the best movies of 2015. She was perfect in it.

To quote Jesse David Fox


“Dr.” Oz said...

It needs to stop asap.

Hopefully the casting director.

Is she STILL bitching about her Precious paycheck? Actors far more popular and talented than her took serious paycuts to increase their acting cred. Its not unheard of. Did someone force her to do Precious and collect 50K? She sounds selfish as fuck and not helping the wage gap and #oscarssowhite issues.

He has a Ted Cruz punchable face and even worse personality. Just go away Hansel.

No words.

Nobody will ever convince me these two are NOT in love. Fucking novels are written about this kind of chemistry.

Find another way.

“What causes friction in the marriage, however, is Kanye’s compulsive tweeting. Kim can’t stand it. She is all for self-promotion, but doesn’t approve of Twitter drama.”

“This conversation gives me hope.”