Car-less Car Guy

I think this had less to do with the accident and more to do with simply reducing costs (salaries) within the company. This was just an easy target. I’d look for other cost cutting measures as they continue to lose money on a failed business model.

“this clearly doesn’t affect me... some women are bothered by this”

I’ve been told that by various Republicans, all of whom then went on to express some transphobic or racist sentiment.

I’ve tried this logic on people who are worried about trans men and women in bathrooms.

This will be the Republican’s legacy: opening politics up to people whose only metric is how gleefully shitty they can be to people.

People need to follow her around and into bathrooms and shout at her to leave because she is clearly a man.

So let me get this straight. Republicans want to keep women from being harassed in women’s restrooms so this bitch decided to GO INTO A WOMEN’S BATHROOM SHE WASN’T EVEN USING AND HARASS A WOMAN WHO WAS IN THERE.

This will be Trump’s legacy: opening politics up to people whose only metric is how gleefully shitty they can be to people.

I was confused, but did the Denny’s manager assist this bigot and kick the trans woman out? If so, Denny’s needs to be shamed and forced to reverse this policy of theirs.

I’m just an internet person, but I think the major difference is that transgendered people have a biological component (i.e. mentally, they identify with the opposite gender), while “trans-racial” people really like the culture of another ethnicity. Like, just because you like African culture and rap, doesn’t mean you

When I used to go to concerts a lot, you’d always seen a half dozen or more girls in the men’s bathroom because the lines were shorter. If nobody got their panties in a twist over that, then I think the line is “they’re not forcing you to look at their gentiles nor are they trying to look at yours”.

I’ve been told repeatedly that Republicans aren’t homophobic, transphobic, misogynistic, etc., and yet their candidates for high office repeatedly demonstrate that they are certainly comfortable with all of those things.

She’s a man because a random internet commenter and a deranged congressional candidate say she looks like one? Ok.....

Who the fuck cares? It’s a bathroom. You go in, do your business, wash your hands, and leave.

Since this woman is so sure of everyone else’s body parts, she should show us her vagina to prove she’s allowed to use the women’s room. Or, you know, leave everyone the fuck alone.

When she loses her election she can sign up for Trump’s new ICE division: toilet cops.

I have to wonder if there isn’t some statute about filming in a public bathroom? Wasn’t someone found guilty recently for filming in a gym locker room to fat shame someone?

Aside from the obvious transphobia, why hasn’t there been an issue made of her filming someone in the bathroom without their consent?

“People are terrified. They kicked Ollie North out and put in a prayer room,”

So fragile. I can’t wait for the endless editorials.