I hope Samsung Pay-style payments become even more common, so you can use your mobile card almost anywhere, even if the terminal doesn’t have NFC.
I hope Samsung Pay-style payments become even more common, so you can use your mobile card almost anywhere, even if the terminal doesn’t have NFC.
Documented examples.
In what way is he ignorant?
Just don’t run over any cops.
I mean, they certainly would have benefited from lower healthcare costs and a more union-friendly government...
Or maybe they voted for Trump because he actually came to their state and spoke to them and did not assume that their state was “on lock”.
Really? That’s the title you went with? Not “Surprise: There’s A New Tesla Roadster With a 250 MPH Top Speed” or “Surprise: There’s A New Tesla Roadster That Goes 0-60 in 1.9 Seconds”?
The GT-R and LC500 aren’t really competitors. Different goals for each.
Yes and yes
I mean, they’re not necessarily wrong...
that white people are more likely to be killed by a police officer
Just making sure. Someone I know posted an article on Facebook that referred to “their silly little protest” and I was infuriated. Their protest is silly? People are dying!
Sorry, are you saying that complaining about them is the issue, or that the reason they are protesting isn’t important?
Plus little things like gerrymandering, voter suppression, and focused Russian interference.
but apparently even helping other human beings is now partisan.
I understand the law, but 99% of SUVs don’t have this issue. There is plenty of real estate in and around the brakelights. Plus, LEDs can get so bright these days that you don’t really need a lot of surface area.