
I'm certainly not one for violence, but I think a sting operation is definitely in order. I would have no problem flinging his dogs refuse right back at him, with a gloved hand of course. You would probably need to find a new parking space, but I'm sure that will make him think twice before putting doo doo on the

Mazda 3 hatchback. Best car for a lot of people, while still being fun to drive, good looking (again), and inexpensive to run.

I imagine this is what would happen if I ever got a chance to hangout with Kimi.

Thanks Obama

The low-rider mini truck fad couldn't have died quickly enough.

The Sport Classic had better nostalgic wheels.

No, they're fucking dumb. They don't handle or brake well because the chassis is the WORST POSSIBLE CHOICE for anything performance oriented. A sport wagon will kick a sport SUVs teeth in and piss all over it's body in every category. You can even tow with a wagon!

And this BMW swapped Beetle is strait up mental.

Now playing

How about a Subaru STi 2.o in a '68 912. Pure evil...

I'm going with BMW E9, with the M30 swapped out for it's great-great-grandengine, the S38. But I admit my bias.

Depends how well one knows the bride. A bus...

My main problem with this is that someone SHOT him, not from an animal cruelty standpoint, but from a public safety issue. I'm not familiar with Detroit's laws, but in most cities discharging a firearm is a serious felony. Definitely the shooting in a city is disproportionately more dangerous than a loose cat.

Holy flying fucksticks, I got an AOTD? Well, that was unexpected. Thanks!

An otherwise wealthy man goes into a bank in New York and asks for a loan...says he will put up his Ferrari as collateral. The bank's loan manager seems puzzled since the guy isn't stuck for funds and asks where the car is and he says "right outside". The loan manager says "how much do you want?" Guy replies

I'd argue that the "M" series is no longer about being fun as it is looking like a giant douche while pointing your very fast car into a hedge and saying "OH SHIT OH SHIT OH SHIT" about 100 times until ESC brings you back in line and you feel like a hero. "M" ain't what it used to be, manual or not.
