
So my dad, due to his dementia making him aggressive, is in a psych hospital at the moment and I came to visit him yesterday and we pass through a ward for other adult but not elderly patients and Ancient Aliens is on and I hear that moron saying “so we’re all human-alien hybrids!” And I’m thinking, “is this the best

Also, the way this is worded makes it seem like they think the moon landing was a conspiracy theory. It’s probably just poorly worded but I guess it’s possible someone at FOX doesn’t think we actually landed on the moon.

So is the judge going to face further repercussions or sanctions? It seems like this immediately-overturned verdict gives rise to legitimate questions about his qualifications and suitability for the position.

I thought ‘eppur si muove’ was a reference to Galileo and when he was jailed for stating the earth moved around the sun. Which makes her use of the quote especially dumb.

Yeah I was with him until he rejected carbon trading/cap and trade schemes and said they don’t provide enough radical change and would lead to “speculation.” I’m not really sure what his solution is for immediate radical change. Good luck with that.

None. No, science what so ever. Just the Pope reminding people of the Christian doctrine of God giving us dominion over the planet and that we must tend to it like a shepherd.

Tweeting for the Pope must be a wierd gig. I would not be able to resist the urge to respond to every disagreement with #infallible

Ex Cathedra is supposed to be spiritual, not scientific. stay in your lane.

That really pisses me off. It sounds like the women were really invested and the producers sent them whoever they could find. The first season made it appear that they actually gave a shit and were trying to help people find happiness, but they’ve completely fucked over three women here. They matched one woman up with

Did you hear the All Things Considered coverage of Bernie on Monday? He’s not doing as bad as well assumed he would be. So maybe?

I’m going to share because it made me happy! http://www.npr.org/sections/itsal…

I feel like if Trump’s hair was actually a cat, I would like him more.

AND! He has funny hair.

Mmmm. A point I didn’t consider. That is a huge difference from an actual arranged marriage and this. Though on the same channel, they have the show Arranged, where the couples are matched by their parents.

Whoa what?? You actually don’t think there was some serious pathology on display with Davina?!
Davina needs a lot of introspection and analysis- be it on her own or with a professional.

Knowing that she beats infants with sticks is what does it for me.

same! i mean, when i get pregnant i’m often torn between whether or not i should abort or have the thing so i can molest it later on! it's the never-ending liberal conundrum.

That is the look of a dog that has been beaten into submission and has given up any chance of getting away from its abuser.

As a matter of fact, I read this article, the one on xo Jane, three separate blogs on the topic, the pamphlet linked here, and ghosted around on a couple of different forums. Here's a small sampler of what I found.

3-1, don't worry about Perhaps Not. That person just wants attention — and s/he just wants to attack people whom s/he finds intimidating. Forget Perhaps Not. PN is an idiot who is unworthy of your time. I know, it's frustrating — but you're too smart to let that kind of idiocy get to you.

I'm so glad I'm not the only comment thread this schmuck's doing this on. They don't believe in actually making their point.