
That is one helluva pull. Impressive.

Right? Why don’t they just sneak in an ISIS attack on a city inhabited by puppies?

My wife and I just had our neighbors over for dinner for the first time last week. They’re our age and their kids are only a little older than our son. They’re friendly, kind and a decent enough of a good time. It only took us 3 years of living next to each other to set up a time to hang out.

I could be wrong, but I think that’s a Seattle thing.

Who in their right mind would let their kid go into South Chicago?

You got 237 stars and counting for that. Unbelievable.

Given Maynard’s new career, I’m sticking with my Jesus comparison.

Kind of a throwback, but Tool fans tend to consider Maynard the second and third coming of christ rolled into one.

Alright. Fine. It’s reporting. Jesus Christ.

I read articles here every day and have been here for ooooohhh I don’t know, 8 year? I know exactly what I’m talking about. This isn’t reporting, they’re opinion pieces. WHICH IS FINE. It’s why I come here, to get this site’s opinions on things that have happened. But to say it’s reporting? C’mon.

My point is they don’t report anything. Zero reporting going on here. Opinions and replication of other people’s reporting. That is all.

“Shouldn’t have happened to begin with, but the response sounds sincere.”

“They report on the news.”

I mean, head to head competition is usually the best way to determine which team is better.

Gotcha. Ya, that’s bad. I assume it’s an extension of how little respect we show for celebrities as humans. Paparazzi, wikipedia pages, rumors, personal life details, who they’ve fucked, would we fuck them, why wouldn’t you fuck them, etc is all fair game for some weird reason than only a 15,000 worded sociological

That show really shaped what I found funny at a really early age. Like, I was too young to get ALL the jokes but I even in those cases I knew what was said was supposed to be funny and in a way that didn’t involve a guy getting kicked in the balls. Not that testicular violence isn’t funny, but it comedically

Ahhh. House is different. My mistake. I stand by my “would/would not bang celebrity XYZ” comment though, it’s still a great game.

You need to be reminded that you’re white?

Commenting on which celebrities you would and wouldn’t bone is a time honored tradition. Also, you’re at a bar not church.

God I love buzzing the attendant on people like you. Especially because I’m 5’8” and have watched every advantage on earth given to the tall people. I’d consider being civil and turning around asking you to stop, but you’ve already proven your ogreish behavior so I like brining in the authorities. I don’t want to end