I thought people in davis rode beach cruiser on the basis that riding a bike without a piece of metal covering the back wheel caused freshman to have a line of dirt and water on their backs
I thought people in davis rode beach cruiser on the basis that riding a bike without a piece of metal covering the back wheel caused freshman to have a line of dirt and water on their backs
What part of the city do you live in? In the avenues the prius and civic reign supreme
This happened to be before! it was a 6am going in the opposite direction of rush hour traffic on the San Francisco Muni Metro. I wasn't singing, i just pulled a graveyard shift at work and I used all the space to lie down and sleep.
If Renault, Citroen, and Peugeot want to be successful in the USA, they don't need to build good cars. They just need to hire a really good marketing department.
Wow, that's a lot of miles. My car has never been out of the state. I have the 3.3l V6. one time the catalytic converter got stolen and when I drove it to the muffler shop it sounded like a 300 ZX with straight pipes.
I grew up in the back seat in the back seat of my pathfinder! My running boards haven't rusted off because 1) I live in California and 2) I have the base model.
Haha! my dad must be the opposite of your dad. My dad would kill me if he found out I took it on a 400+ mile road trip. My pathfinder only has 131,000 miles
my parents reasoning for giving me a pathfinder (the same car underneath) for my first car was that it cost so much money to pay for gas that I wouldn't want to drive anywhere except for school and home
2015 Hyundai Sonata: coming soon to an accountants office near you
My neighbor had a lowered Chevy Silverado when I was growing up. It's 16 feet long but can only seat 2 people. Its 24 inch rims would get bent on the street I have to drive on to get to work. It's magnaflow exhaust and 12 inch subwoofer would make it difficult to sneak out of my parents house if I ever had to move…
take multiple attempts to parallel park with people watching.
Orlove listens the based god? swag!
Only good part of the entire movie
Neutral: Do You Take Public Transit?
That seems ridiculous and predatory! I know my state likes to tax it's citizens but damn!