Wow, I really like your windows explorer. That should be the one in windows 8 instead of of that huge ribbon thing. Are you looking forward to windows 8's new desktop since yours seems to have that WP7 look?
Wow, I really like your windows explorer. That should be the one in windows 8 instead of of that huge ribbon thing. Are you looking forward to windows 8's new desktop since yours seems to have that WP7 look?
-high five- G+ is looking better an better as the days progress. I wonder what made Facebook decide that this was a good idea?!
How much system resources does this take up? It looks cool and I'd like to make something similar but I don't like sacrificing my performance too much.
Thank you sooo much. I have always played it safe and wanted to know how to actually fight a virus.
What is the best way to save computers when they are infected? I've nailed down the boot into Linux and save the person's files and then clean install Windows. I've done this for a lot of people because I find it easy and I like giving them back their computer with a fresh start. I tried malwarebytes one time but…
Because it is in Beta... They're building it as the days go by and so just opening it to the masses would over load it.
I just loled at this list.
You're welcome!
Email me for one:
you still in need of and invite?
That is sooo true. We had R series in my Physics class and they were terrible! T is what I have going on 4 years. X is what my work computer is. How thick are the Ws now? They used to be really big things.
Are you delusional? Those must be really cheap ThinkPads because I have never heard of a ThinkPad having that kind of problem... My work recently refreshed all their computers and stuck with ThinkPads because there's just nothing out there which is more durable. NASA also uses a T61p ThinkPad in space. My friends…
I did the same thing after I commented on a Tom Anderson post and got hundreds of emails. I use a Google product so frequently so who needs the emails.
It should be editable now.
Did it work? I have left it up to the group so I'm crossing my fingers that no one messes with it.
If anyone wants an invite just email You'll get an auto reply with access to a spreadsheet
email me at to get an invite!
Nice, That's my goal in life. Triple monitor! any more and it's too much.