
They want to slowly introduce it and it seems that every night it becomes open. Every night I invite a few hundred people so there is plenty of time to invite friends. My problem is only a handful of friends out of my approx 500 Facebook friends actually know about it/wanting to use it but I have found myself

Sorry for the auto response but I had a lot of emails... a lot more than last time.

just email myccbb@gmail.com with your email address in the message for one! I'll try to get everyone

Yeah, I did it last time and a bunch of people got through using it but this time I guess I posted the info where too many people were looking and someone decided to be a jerk.

Some teachers don't allow laptops or any electronics in class but OneNote is great for taking notes if they do allow them although I feel that taking hand written notes is most of the time better. It depends on the class.

yeah I know, the account is no longer available =/ that's what I get for trying to do a good thing.

Haha well it seems as though the account got deleted. Epic Fail. If you'd like an invite email: myccbb@gmail.com when the invites go back up

Someone seems to have taken over my G+ account lolZ. Wow really?! He looks like a swell douche... i mean dude.

Whoever changed it can you change it back? It says I've reset my password too many times today. I can get it back by filling out a form and reporting it. I thought I would be doing a good thing but people just have to take advantage of it. -sigh- I have 4 more accounts but it's annoying and now that person has ruined

Please don't change the password! (as of now it's googleinvite)

Haha I have a security question to reset it but it's annoying when people change the password. The new password is googleinvite

Yeah! -sigh- try to do something good and someone goes and changes the password. The new password is googleinvite I reset it. Security questions FTW! =P

For some reason I can't get Live Mesh to sync my files. I had it sync the folder I was using for my school projects but nothing ever when on the cloud and I found that out when I needed it. =/ Dropbox is what I mostly use... I have almost 10gb from invites but the size never seems to be big enough =P

Sure, the next time invites are up I'll make sure to invite you if you can't get through.

I have a blank google+ that I used to invited lots of people when invites were up. email: myccbb1@gmail.com password: googleinvite Feel free to try any tricks to get in. EDIT: someone changed the password and so I had to reset it

Have you got an invite yet? The invitations are down but I can try through the other methods which sometimes work.

Haha, if you wanna try any tricks use my bogus account email: myccbb1@gmail.com password: googleplus I used it to invite loads of people prior but I find it easier if people want to try trick to get in themselves. The account is devoid of anything.

If you want to try any of these tricks just use my spam Google+ account which I use to invite others when the invitations are up. email: myccbb1@gmail.com and the password is: googleplus

Correct, Macs do have fantastic warranties but so do some PC companies... I got a new graphics card, and my entire screen/cover replaced a year and a half after my warranty was up. I just looked up my computer on ebay and comparatively they go for about the same as a MBP with similar specs. I'm not a mac hater (I

At the risk of perturbing a fanboy, if this [store.apple.com] is decent then it must not take much to satisfy you.