
Yeah. To me, the 2 hours seems to be a balanced trade off for the feature.

““What I find most insulting is just how little respect Steam seems to have for smaller games,” she said. “They also don’t let you write reviews for games that you’ve played for less than five minutes. So like, I put freshman year on Steam, and it barely has reviews because no one wants to play such a sad thing twice

same. both case, some fans, and watercooling. All about 3 years old, still running like a champ.

another poor attempt from kotaku to bash PC gaming...

"avoid cooler master products" ...my case is a cooler master.

Really? PC still has to wait? So tired of Rockstar giving PC gamers the finger.

PC/Steam would be nice.

how do carry on with any shred of dignity as a "journalist" (I use that lightly) writing these puff pieces for sponsors? These masquerade as legitimate trying to trick the reader into believing they're subjective reports. You're a shill. Shame on you.

Ocarina of Time (1998)

I love the vibe this game has going for it. Monstrous, alien, but calm and relaxed. Really, not a lot of games out there just invite you to interact with a strange, new world and see what you can find, and this looks like it's exactly that. I tend to prefer 'gameplay' games over 'story' ones but this kind of seems

Disarming the civilian population is what a government does precisely before they ramp up police brutality. Look at history. The Nazis, the Soviets, etc.

Because they didn't. The rioters and the protestors were two different groups. And the cops could have stopped the rioters much more easily if they hadn't been busy gassing and attacking peaceful protestors.

Because cops are pussies.

Right. Cops murder an unarmed kid who had his hands in the air, but it's the protestors who are out of control.

While I agree that we need fewer guns, I am far, far more afraid of being accidentally shot by a SWAT sniper mistaking me for a crook (or just not checking his backstop) than by a mugger or other crook.

Or no knock warrant serving.

You go to hell. You go to hell and you die!

You go to hell. You go to hell and you die!

Wow? More BLOOM?! That's always what I wanted! I Always thought the bloom on the original game was not high enough! There was only a tick box, you couldn't crank it up! But now with Half Life 2 HD, I"LL HAVE FULL ON BLOOM! THANK YOU! I"VE ALWAYS WANTED NOT TO BE ABLE TO SEE JACK SHIT! YES! YES!

This argument is intense, but I just wanted to say I actually like this video.