
He's a horrible choice for host. Should have just stuck to Geoff as host. At least he actually knows what he's talking about.

It's already cringe worthy. Sigh.

Oh man, you totally have me pegged. I honestly never even watched 3. I didn't like 2 as much as 1, and I've never been a big Iron Man fan in the first place.

But that has nothing to do with THIS. I didn't even finish The Amazing Spiderman 1. I was fine with the original trilogy (other then 3 being... off) and didn't

I realize it now :P

I take it back. I honestly didn't notice it was any different with the odd scale like effect/ too much going on. You're right lol.

:( I'm a potty mouth I guess :P

I don't think they do. I'm pretty sure that was one issue with the first Amazing Spiderman.

My thoughts exactly.

That honestly looks terrible. Jeesh.

Of course you aren't related to a fictional character from Heroes :P Just cool that you have the same last name. Props!

Nakamura? Is that your real last name? Because... Hiro Nakamura.

or "consoles are simple like i like it" "lol you spend like 1000 every 2 years for your pc" or "I wanna sit on my couch and play with a controller"

1. You don't have to be smart as fuck to play games on a pc. You just can't be a complete idiot which sadly a lot of people are.
2. 400-500 right now will get you a rig that

If you want a game console that does a lot of cool-but-unproven non-gaming stuff, get an Xbox One. The Xbox One is something different. It's the most ambitious gaming console ever released, mostly because it wants to be so much more than just a gaming console. If you watch a lot of movies and streaming TV, and want

Edge: Draw. Xbox Smartglass has got the PlayStation app beat handily, but the PS4's ability to beam games to the Vita is awfully cool. I'm not yet convinced we need this second-screen smartphone stuff in games, but I'm ready to be. Convince me, video game people.

Kotaku says there's no need for console wars. Baits with a console argument article.

I'm not asking questions at all.

Ignorant? That's what I called OP.
You can have the last word now, you smug son of a biscuit.

Look all I know is that is an actor (and a bad one) doing an act.
"Conspiracy" or not, I can tell a bad actor.
Example: Anything Matthew McConaughey has "acted" in.

My post wasn't sarcasm. Your "Holy damn you're absolutely right..."etc was, and that's what the /sarcasm is to.
Have fun arguing your nonsense though! :)