Chosen Undead

Cube-based everything aside, the degree to which it appears pixelated depends on your texture pack and rendering settings. 16x16 (pixel x pixel) textures (the default resolution) look extremely pixelated. Get a pack that ups them to 64x64 or 128x128 and it's decidedly less pixelated, as you can note in this image of a

Not at all. Very tactical. Very slow. Very strategic. Heavy on story. Every map and every piece of loot is carefully calculated and purposefully placed. It's exactly everything that Diablo isn't, except for the perspective.

Aggh I miss the old party member mechanics from this game in new games. Last one I can think of that even tried to toy with that was DA:O (and maybe ME) but those were more just neutral interactions, I don't believe they'll get into a to-the-death fight like BG party members might have.


Nice! Thanks.

More interested in what texture pack that is than the build it's wrapped around.

Until this picture and a commenter's picture of Krang, I had no idea this was a thing people did or any sort of trend. I'm not certain why that would make it creepy though, unless we want to get into some weird argument about overt objectification of a body part but that seems a little extreme of an angle to me in

These are disturbing angles I would have never even conjured without outside assistance. Except for the one about promoting or believing in a bright shiny baby popping out of a pokeball, but I imagine that is an angle no one over the age of 9 would give much merit toward.

Oh yes, this is a very good choice.


Never thought of Mothula as a particularly hard boss at all. His dungeon, on the other hand (pun?), is one of my least favorite parts of LttP. I pretty much get lost in there almost every time I play.

And that's precisely what makes him a great Macguffin for a movie. But, not a main character.

I'm going to start dismissing offhand any comment that has no grasp of a joke. I swear.

Can anyone who thinks this is creepy provide a little insight into why they think it's creepy?

The chapter ended with his stabbing, not the dumping of his corpse. I'm taking the "they're not dead until you SEE (or, uh read, whatever) them dead" stance on this one.

Shh quiet, you're undermining my blatant attempt at overblown drama.

...you bought Wal-Mart brand snack food.

That was an extremely fascinating page. Thanks for the link.

Heh, now I want a retro demake to match the screenshots.

Curses on that article for providing no details on their scale. I know they are obviously very small, but just how small are they? Like, for a good point of reference, how long is one side of the base of one of these? Anyone know?