Chosen Undead

The ways it's like CoD are pretty straightforward, there's drop-in matchmaking, loadouts, perks, and similar experience system, and they really made one vs. multi gunplay way harder, making it even easier to punish solo runners than before. Those are all definitely new additions and definitely in line with the CoD

You're totally speaking my language on this. Except my being there from game one.

I like to believe I'm pretty open-minded, but munching down on some placenta is one thing I've never been able to even begin to understand. I feel like I need to go clean myself after simply just uttering that. It's so.....blah I don't even...

Aside from the Altmer, I think they look pretty badass. Especially Bosmer and Dunmer. Far more exotic than simply being pointy-eared people. Definitely what I would think more graphically-advanced models of the Morrowind races would look like.

Is this is an obtuse grammar joke or am I missing something obvious here?

Now playing

To make up for my fail comment earlier, here's one I remember playing. Home Improvement tie-in which was a terribad action-platformer sort of thing somehow. My cousin owned this piece of shit. It was absolutely terrible!

Fantastic Four and Superman 64 are strangely absent from this list.

These four sentences together are more entertaining than the entire advertisement up above.

One of these things is not like the others...

Not really odd at all in Photoshop parlance.

Definitely agreed. Lacked huge amounts of polish (and content) compared to the second game.


How about you...RTFA

You want more examples of those who do more than "just press play?" Okay, here.

Played over 40 hours in both Borderlands games, 80 hours at least altogether.

Or additionally, Fallout (2) or Planescape, even. The lack of any one of those is cause for alarm.


Oblivion instead of Morrowind (or even Skyrim)? No Black Isle? Mass Effect THREE?!

I do believe that was Medal of Honor: Frontline IIRC

No they don't, and your ignorance is showing. At least he had an example. All you have is a generalization. One that's very quite wrong.