Part of me wonders if it was possible for him to stay upright if he could just stick the landing better.
Part of me wonders if it was possible for him to stay upright if he could just stick the landing better.
Major League teams: “we don’t condone this sort of thing.”
Still stuck on that Resident Evil 7 demo. I want to believe! That and the Fallout 4 DLC Contraptions will suck up my time.
Seems pretty damn crazy when they race up Pike’s Peak too. Danger plus the possibility of going over a step edge? No thanks.
Eric Hosmer made this mistake back in April, but didn’t blow it as badly though.
If we aren’t getting a game like the demo can we at least get a new franchise like it? That was an awesome demo, great graphics and potential gameplay. Combined with PlayStation VR I can see myself playing for hours (and crying in fear).
I’m okay with the design. It’ll look real in VR, but in real life it needs to look less like a real gun for obvious reasons, and instead look non-threatening. And boy does it look non-threatening!
This is relatively good news. As much as I despise Gawker, I want Kotaku to be safe. Though I can’t help but think this will have negative effects in the future.
My wife showed me a picture of the headline recently and I thought on one hand it could be real, but the other hand it sounded just too stupid to actually exist. A quick google search found it never existed.
Japanese power poles are both beautiful and scary. For a technologically advanced nation I would have assumed they had figured out a way to simplify them, rather than put a mess of wires on a pole.
It’s almost a shame Morales could end up replacing him after his injury heals. I want to see where this guy goes.
(Full Disclosure: Volvo wanted me to drive the new XC90 so bad that I asked for one, and they said “okay” and dropped off a new T6 model with a full tank of gas. A few months later we asked for one again and Volvo dropped off a T8 plug-in hybrid model with a full tank as well.)
I’d like to say that I love the artwork used in the top gif. If there were any retro styled indie games available that looked like that I’d buy it instantly. (There probably is, but of all the retro styles to use I haven’t seen that one used yet).
I wonder how many men versus women said they played FF? Stereotypically more men would play FF (or RPGs in general) than women but obviously I know nothing about Japanese gaming demographics. Maybe women play RPGs more, or maybe it is even for both genders.
I started the DLC last night only to discover I was missing one of the pieces of my armor (the irreplaceable long fall leg pieces). I haven’t played since January and the last save that has the armor in my inventory is back before I started Automoton. So search and never find it (because I can’t backtrack) or redo…
I love the look on the Umps face
Weird I had Quinn pegged as a South Boston accent. Maybe I’m right, maybe I know nothing.
I like the title. It seems to me that the best parts of the episodes of Top Gear highlighted the fun and adventure of the drive. So this title points to the my favorite parts of the show and show what direction they are likely to go with it.
Probably the best defensive play out of the Twins all season.
It looks like it’s Reed Timmer so, pretty much what I’d expect from him. Probably the best tornado video I’ve seen in a while, or ever. Also, check out the 360 video, looks pretty cool: