
Call me immature, but I loved Ant Mans poop joke.

A big problem for me would be if I’m renting or not since landlord likely won’t care. Thankfully more parking lots are adopting free electric charging so that’ll alleviate the issue when I go to Walmart o something (except for the douches that park there anyway).

Compared to an electric car any gas consumption would be a gas guzzler, though I didn’t quite word that right.

Fascinating. I have no problem driving an electric car, especially if it looks good and drives fast (Model S). But I’d also like to have a cool gas guzzler like a classic Mini, or a Volkswagen minibus. So if gas demand drops off, then hopefully gas prices will drop as well so that I can afford the fuel expenses of a

I’m a huge fan of the series since the beginning and I’ve been super excited, but now that the movie is out I’m afraid I’ll hate it if I see it. On the other hand, if it does well enough they might make another, better movie, but I could only hope. I really wanted the games to expand into a successful movie series.

Well, Angelina Jolie had a double mastectomy, so that story has been done already. That counts, right?

I like the story from the rebooted series. And even better it seemed like the most movie-like (or at least, easily adapted to a movie). By doing the ‘origin’ or the character they can make a great franchise. Please don’t screw this up Hollywood!

Just in time! With Ratchet and Clank, Keanu, and Captain America Civil War coming out soon I was afraid I’d spend too much seeing them all. This’ll at least cut the cost down by a little.

Just in time! With Ratchet and Clank, Keanu, and Captain America Civil War coming out soon I was afraid I’d spend

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For those unfamiliar with Dead Eye on Fox News, it was always a little off from what you’d expect. Plus, being a late night show means they can get away with gags like this:

I normally skip over MGDMT but after reading your comment I went back to it. Good joke there. Ironically, if I read the comic first I wouldn’t have gotten it and kept moving.

With all the controversy on the new Top Gear I’m still willing to give it a try. Of course, if it sucks then I’ll probably lose interest. I do think that Mat LeBlanc is probably the guy that will make the show good. Or at least make it suck just a bit less.

I’m not the only one? Thank God, I hate carb cleaner in the eye

I should buy this book just to memorize some of these lines. It’s pure nonsensical gold.

“Enough Mario Kart, let’s resume surgery” Ha! There’s never too much Mario Kart.

I thought this scenario sounded familiar, the Royals did this to the Twins a little over a week ago. Almost exactly the same: 10th inning, the score 3-3 and two outs. One errant pitch and Terrance Gore on third makes it home.

I remember years ago, when I worked at Walmart, somebody found an old Blu Ray player that never sold at full price and since they apparently couldn’t send it back to the manufacturer they just marked it down ~$300. This was down from the original price of $1000, and it was marked down at a time when you could get a

It’s tough reading them all, some missed the point entirely, some are really nasty and end up deleted. Some are nice though! That makes it better at least

After I started seeing 20 notifications at a time I thought ‘What have I done?!’ Nothing like getting up in the morning to see 55 more notifications from the last 8 hours!

I used it as a self depreciating joke that also shows that I ride a motorcycle and drive a car. Of course, with the flak I’m getting for that one word I should have just said car.

That happened to me last weekend where some guy and I ended up leapfrogging multiple times. It’s truly annoying especially when cruise control is on.