
I remember years ago, when I worked at Walmart, somebody found an old Blu Ray player that never sold at full price and since they apparently couldn’t send it back to the manufacturer they just marked it down ~$300. This was down from the original price of $1000, and it was marked down at a time when you could get a

It’s tough reading them all, some missed the point entirely, some are really nasty and end up deleted. Some are nice though! That makes it better at least

After I started seeing 20 notifications at a time I thought ‘What have I done?!’ Nothing like getting up in the morning to see 55 more notifications from the last 8 hours!

I used it as a self depreciating joke that also shows that I ride a motorcycle and drive a car. Of course, with the flak I’m getting for that one word I should have just said car.

That happened to me last weekend where some guy and I ended up leapfrogging multiple times. It’s truly annoying especially when cruise control is on.

For some reason these days I’ve been playing solitaire a lot. I have a Windows 10 tablet and a Windows 7 PC. I won’t even touch Windows 10 for solitaire. I don’t need an avatar, cloud saving, and all this other BS I just want to play the damn game.

I’d like to add, in response to the many replies I got, that I consider all parties involved to be at fault.

Oh, and don’t play Ratchet & Clank until later this month. It’s quite good, but you can resist.

That’s gotta be another ‘best feeling in the world’, with a side of ‘I told you so’!

Only once have I been lucky enough to be passed by an impatient asshole and see them get immediately pulled over. It’s one of the best feelings ever.

Funny story there, I was once out on the highway and was passed by a guy going probably about 90-100 MPH on his motorcycle. Down the road probably five miles later I saw a firetruck, ambulance, and several cop cars lined up on the side of the highway, and what looked like a crashed motorcycle in the grass. Not sure if

You know, when I’m in my cage and I see somebody on a sportbike hauling ass up to me about to pass me, despite the fact lanesplitting is illegal where I live, and it still annoys me they are driving like a douche, I don’t try to block them or start trouble like an asshole. Why is this so hard for people? What part of

We tried Portal 2 but that ended in a lot of frustration because she hadn’t gotten used to the controls yet, and Left 4 Dead kind of bored us. We’ll probably give it a shot again once school is over, otherwise we won’t have much to do in our free time. Also, I’m going to look into Nintendo co-op games now.

Ours will be 4 years married, 9 together this October. We were lucky that our five year anniversary landed on 10/11/12 so we chose to be married on that day. Hopefully this will help us to get back into playing games together, Gears was just about the only thing we ever played.

Looks like I need to get an Xbox One. The only co-op game series my wife and I ever played together was Gears of War. Even better is the game comes out on our anniversary. Seems like the best time to take a week off and get back into the series together.

Don’t forget Playstation Vue! It expanded a few weeks ago to be available across the US, and even though it’s like $15 more than Sling it’s got 2-3 times more channels (especially ones that I actually watch) and DVR! That DVR function is the most valuable part on the whole service. I’d say the only disadvantage is it

Don’t forget, you can also stream a PS4 to a PlayStation TV, assuming anybody bought one

I’m pretty excited for this movie. I have higher expectations for it than Warcraft and whatever other video game movies are coming out this summer. Hopefully it’ll have a huge opening weekend, because Captain America will crush it the weekend after it comes out.

There should be a section of these stories that are all motorcycle related, I’ll start.

You know, I was always under there impression that Konami wanted Sutherland and not there other way around. I honestly thought that there was hardly any work involved in Sutherland’s voice acting (I think Snake was one of the least talkative main characters in the game).