
I’m kind of hoping for an at sea kind of thing, like Mad Max on water.

Luckily I hardly ever used the infinite caps glitch. I did do it a few times, but do I really want to spend 5 minutes tapping to get a thousand caps? Also I hardly ever buy out sell anything anyway. I scavenge for everything I use, like armor, meds and guns. I scavenge so bad I needed all four strong back perk levels

Good question, I thought he quit. Maybe being separated from Konami is why he couldn’t receive the award for it, since he no longer represented the company/game IP.

Seriously, fuck Konami

Grant swapped his voting slot with Polygon deputy managing editor Megan Farokhmanesh. Though Polygon’s staff will collaborate on deciding votes, Farokhmanesh will apparently “ultimately decide how we cast our final vote.”

Early on I got a Martyr’s Leather Right Arm and I’ve had it equipped the entire time. Having time slow down every time I fall under 20% health is super useful. I just wish I could find a new one because the damage resistance is lacking these days, as everything has been upgraded but my right arm.

I know right? The bs on ‘wasted space’ is kind of dumb because you can zoom in. The farther out view is good if you like the realism of the arm, but you can change it if you don’t like it. The only problem is that I found that by accident, and I don’t think the game explains it easily.

Absolutely true! Censorship just because one disagrees with another is never a good thing. The best we can do it’s keep a cool head and combat the nonsense with facts and examples.

A big problem with the people these days is the outrage culture. Here’s a cheat sheet for them:

I applaud you for taking the pre-emptive route and try to quell people’s rage, but the pessimist in me expects Gawker to take this video and feed their readers the BS mentality that motorcyclist are meatheads against society. And their readers will likely agree with it and spread it more. It’s a terrible kind of irony

As long as it works. The old fat PS3 I had did emulation (not the original PS3 with the emotion chip). Not all games worked on it though. I remember playing the first Ratchet as Clank game and it slowed down in some parts for no apparent reason. After that I gave up because I didn’t want to take my chances and see if

I’m trying to find it, but I recently read an article about ISIS claiming responsibility for the Paris attacks and there was a screenshot of whatever ISIS website that had their message. I swear that I saw a picture of an EVA unit next to the text. Why is ISIS using Neon Genesis artwork on their website(s)?

Well that sounds like it sucks, but interesting. I don’t know if I can search the same wasteland twice in a row, though

So, it’s it possible to get all perks and max out the SPECIAL stats? That’s what I really want to do, I can’t just have some of them. Gotta catch ‘em all.

I live just south of Liberty Missouri, where can I get in on these UPS auctions?

Unemployed, but still at fault and fairly rich. I’m wondering why he isn’t suing for more

It was mostly trial and error. As soon as I got into one menu for Crafting (the one for making building parts) I just winged it. Then I discovered how to scrap things and went to town. They have probably should have made a tutorial, but I think I learned this way a bit better.

I played for about 2-3 hours yesterday. All I did after getting out of the vault was scrap the town and build a house. There might be more to the game but right now, I don’t care. Crafting Time!

I got my copy of the Pip Boy edition from Best Buy but when I opened the package I discovered they sent me the PC edition when I clearly ordered the PS4 version. I went to my local Best Buy and there just happened to be a guy at their customer service with the exact opposite issue! He got the PS4 version when he

Forget Fallout 4, I’m going to get Quiet back tonight! Seriously, losing her was kind of hard.