
Don't listen to him, he's just Jouless.

Most of the stages are designed well enough to accommodate Mega Man's size in MM7. If you wanna talk about screen real-estate being an issue that draws you away from a game, blame MM8. MM8 brought Mega Man's size back down, but the stage designs (in my opinion) didn't really scale back down with him.

For example ...

If it is anything like other mobility robots made by Boston Dynamics, it will still try to compensate for the lack of one leg by using the other three in different ways. What separates this robot from other robots, I think, is that it is designed to adapt to different environments, so it naturally follows that it must

Right, the underdog. Because AMD is a humble, small little company just trying to make their way on to the scene.



Seriously, I'm sick and tired of hearing people say "just skip Dream Drop Distance, it's a side-story". It really isn't a side-story, just like BBS and CoM/Re:CoM aren't side-stories. DDD has got really good gameplay despite the fact that the worlds are somewhat empty, and it pretty much sets the story up for the

I totally agree with you. A hundred times over. The GameBoy brand (the original brand, not color or advance or whathaveyou) managed to do well despite an unimpressive product design and the presence of many competitors with better-looking games. Battery life is not much of a selling point anymore, but I can see

You guys are just fishing for puns at this point.

Windows 8 is ugly and stupid, and Metro makes my computer look like a smartphone/toy/smartphone-toy.

He's a pirate. Being a douchebag makes sense.

Slow down buddy, I think you've got the wong idea.

This comment is just selfish. I have better sites to peruse than Reddit. :/

Then Temple Fugate walks in on them intending to get revenge on Batman, when he sees the action unfolding.

Come on down to the BBQ City where the fries are fresh and the wings are meaty.

Reverse the polarity!

I look forward to that!

Or they're applying Bertrand Russell's teapot to the issue of godly beings. If that's why he's agnostic, that viewpoint is valid. If it isn't the case, then yeah, it's laziness.

Piece of shit ... right.

Come on Dude, that's so unlike you.