
It's just a damn name.

I'm personally hoping for a game that shows a lot of promise from its ties to a triple-A franchise but completely fails to deliver because of limitations and lackluster gameplay.

It won't be much of a next generation portable once a couple of years has gone by. That name /can't/ be here to stay, really.

They could just call it the PlayStation Plague. When one of those babies hits stores, it'll penetrate culture like a super disease that humanity couldn't have ever anticipated.

Battletoads Revamp, yeah! Let's make it darker, grittier and give them cigarettes! I think it would be really cool if we include features like cover-based shooting, slow-mo and REAL TIME WEAPON CHANGE.

Right, that's the kind of response I was hoping to hear. You're right in that way of thinking... gaming and social interaction were never meant to intentionally mingle. Games back then weren't ever designed that way, unless you count calling the Nintendo Power Tip Line to get help with NES games some kind of social

Those aren't ads you're willingly viewing, though. I bet if it was up to the average reader, seven out of ten would probably disable the ads. As a content provider that comes of no direct cost to the consumer, Kotaku doesn't feel obligated to correct mistakes that are pretty minimal and inconsequential.

I bet he's wishing he didn't kill over a game that was in hindsight pretty limiting. The game was only good up until the point where Tony Montana tells the player he won't kill innocent civilians as far as shooting is concerned. Or the fact that you aren't even given a damn chance to survive if police aggro raises too

You can have that problem, though. Simply not being in the right seat can remove the 3D effect entirely, or worse, induce headaches.

You're not paying to read this blog, so... yeah, you have no right to complain about quality.

Look, I'm all for utilizing time to do more better, healthier and important things, but you're looking way past the principles. If I piss in the drinking water, someone has to go and filter the urea out so it's safe to consume. PSN is nevertheless not a necessity like water, but you paid for water, you paid for water

Does it? Or does your nostalgia the "golden ages" obscure the undeniable truth that, in some way, all consoles have in some way sucked?

I've grown so accustomed to it that everything else is incomparable, really.

Kind of everything, since that's all that Anon sees this as.

The speed of the bullet is relative to the observer.

With new spray uzi action.

This 'creepy' stigma is what's holding back robotics.

I don't think so. Sex bots will be entrusted with our dirtiest secrets and they'll simply blackmail us with that kind of knowledge. :<

Great read! Thanks for posting.

Understandable. I'm admittedly a little disappointed that 3DS can't make use of head-tracking in some aspect - some folks speculated that around the time of the 3DS' announcement. Having given it some thought, though, I believe head-tracking would have serious advantages over stereoscopic 3D. You lose the fatiguing