
That looked super confusing! i gotta pull this thing down here to access this thing, this app i gotta swipe to the left to move it back down then grab the whole damn thing and drag it down to the bottom of the screen, finally swipe and tap... and thats how you get to metro, not difficult at all!

What an unappealing article layout!! what's it modeled after? ;P

Same here, I'm stuck with Win vista (Laptop) and Win XP (desktop) both dinosaur hand-me-downs

OMG Finally someone else who thinks Win8 is totally going in the wrong direction!!!! I Mean C'MON!!!

hahahahahaha I didn't catch that, that must be a record!

Can usually find articles on science on io9 that are of better qualiy.

I read, If you could fap your hand fast enough.... *immature moment* lol

Touche. Though its the amongst-friends type I was talking about, I wouldn't go up to a stranger and say it! Much like the "N" word

They could have at least said natives though, haha.

Well, it might be correct for their culture. I know we Mexicans call really Mexican people indio which translates to Indian... just 'cause Native American is US's Politically Correct, doesn't mean it applies everywhere ;)

When this was posted not to long ago it was praised... I remember it being on here during the whole "Disney princesses re imagined as...." series you guys had going on... While I agree rape in all forms is bad, why io9 change it up like that? just delete the post act like it never happened, cuz i'm sure i'm not the

I absolutely adored Final Fantasy IX its my favorite of the series along with VII

Off topic: semi-related

Well then, I shall fully expect Microsoft to prove me wrong about Win8 (not that it has to, its gonna do what its gonna do regardless what I say or like) I just know, my opinions are-like the OS's I run-outdated... and stuck in the past so any change to the "classic" xp/vista desktop experience will take some getting

No kiddin, what a tool!

Even if she holds it between her knees she could still just bend over :) no spreading necessary for doggy

Oh I see, yea I remember the whole UAC crap and I do use about 57% of my ram with nothing running (excluding apps that run at startup or backgrounded) so, that'd be a nice upgrade, I'm just not to keen with what MS is doing with Win8 sure it looks neat but also mouse and keyboard unfriendly.

what was the big deal with vista anyway? I'm running it (no choice, Hand-Me-Down) and I don't seem to have a problem with it?

you Must have had pretty beefy specs to begin with then, and/or upgraded your setup... I wouldnt dare update my xp desktop to win 7... I just know its not gonna happen lol.

Well its four years anyways.... It's recommended you upgrade (or at least worth it to upgrade) every two. plus apple still sells and supports iphone 3GS thats like five years old now too.