
God forbid we have quality of life standards right?

Yeah, but then Elon may have to admit there are flaws to his vertical integration strategy.

Mustang-colored ice cream:

They ARE self serving pieces of shit. They used their campaign contributions as bribes to cajole to the highest bidders - in this case the Ford, GM, and Chrysler. They have shown what they are, and deserve all of the hate mail that they’re getting. Every one of them should be escorted OUT of their offices in

Pilot here. Can confirm lowness of runways.

Ah man...I forgot to ask this to the Volvo man. I suck at automotive journalism.

True enthusiasts will pay every penny to get this car

This is a limited edition car. They are only make 1500 2018my for the USA and Canada. Dealers are ordering base models and then adding $5,000 mark-ups. So ford figured they are just going to force the dealer to sell it loaded if they are going to jack the price up anyway.

Are any of them actually getting in at or below MSRP?

Good job Ford. Cram the option package down the throat of customers to squeeze the last bit of profit out of the RS before it goes away. Cubic Greed!

I think I liked the Roger Moore Bond films the best. Brosnan was a close second. They brought the right mix of humor to the franchise. No offense to Daniel Craig, but I need a fucking laugh track to know when he’s telling a joke. The latest Bond is too damn serious, like Superman and Batman. I go to the movies to be

Remember that day where the concept of the sub-blog was explained and how foxtrotalpha is one of those sub-blogs?

Go fuck yourself.

Me thinks you give Trump too much credit. Odds are he was doing his usual word vomit trying to impress other people. His “look at me, I’m the POTUS, I’m important!” shtick is getting old.

Is someone mad cuz mom made you leave the basement this morning to do some chores?

Shut your mouth, racist. 

“a name synonymous with what you would think is a shitty wannabe Atlanta rapper”

But her emails!

Pull your head out of your ass and get some fresh air for a change.

As a BMW fan, even I’ll say you shouldn’t need to put an aftermarket exhaust on an M car for it to sound good.