
It was hyped for the wrong reasons, that's my quarrel

I guess it didn't turn out well for this guy who tried that.

Quote: "Until project CARS is finally out, Driveclub is arguably the prettiest racing game in the market at the moment."

I think this is being looked at through the wrong lens... He's not doing the race-sticker bedecked Honda bragging about beating Mustangs (that didn't know they were racing) between stop lights and posting cellphone vids on YouTube thing. It's not a masculinity contest. This guy has been working on this project for a

"Monster Truck"

Rally America's marketing team needs to be fired. I did not hear one word of the races happening. I'm not one to seek it out because I have better things to do... But if I easily saw the dates and time I would have recorded them and watched them for sure

Who are you, Bill Cosby's lawyer?

Did you find this car for Doug to buy or does he have to do the legwork on this one?

A 3.1% drop in traffic fatalities with these numbers is about 1,014 people. Over a thousand people were statistically "Saved" from death, simply by having newer, safer cars.
Meanwhile the war on terror has saved ? number of people from domestic terrorist attacks since 2001. Fun fact: only about 3,400 Americans have

Those are both really pretty poor performances by both snipers IMHO.

Now playing

To be fair, the latest two onboards looked pretty slow to me :| Cool guy anyways.

Finnish rally hobbyist for comparison. To me it looks like Brakim is going a bit too easy, it's like driving to your summer house. But taking it too easy is always better than the J-M Latvala way :D

Rumor has it that there were noise complaints from the owners of a hotel and apartments that are under construction next door. The organizers of C&C Irvine have been asking car owners to "keep their revs low" this entire year and there has been as consistent police presence outside the event to discourage burnouts.

Depends on who you ask. The fanboys are delusional on how much this game is lacking in actual gameplay. Also, the game's creator left the company, so take from that what you will.

Yes in my early 20's I wasn't too smart. Now I'm seeing folks the same age make the same mistake. That is what life is all about right? You make mistakes, you learn from them, and try to help some other people out along the way.

Yo, I heard that google is hiring and you can work from home. Hell, the guy who told me just bought a new BMW and he brings in $6,756 each check. He gave me a link to share.

now, I know the bible says some fucked up shit, and it amazes me how many people actually read and consider it for their guidance. But "the authorities that exist are appointed by god"?.. Whaaa? Is it advocating for a theocracy, or implying that the U.S. president and your local trooper are god-appointed? Now that's

PP, haha. That is too funny!

Hey Mitsubishi,