
It really seems like it is time for you to move on from reviewing SNL. It isn’t that you are necessarily incorrect in your reviews (generally speaking, I agree with about 2/3 of whatever you have to say any given week) but rather you have nothing left to really say about SNL.

Oh God, fuck this. I have my misgivings about it too, but I am so done with entitled dipshit fans like these.

Yes, and the effect of him picking her up was some of the hokiest CGI I’ve seen in a long while.

Warrior’s Ghost! Where the hell did you come from? Can someone put a bell on this guy?

I’ve had all kinds of potential theories about how these final episodes playing out. But if every episode is just 60+ minutes of Bran popping up in a random location with people being weirded out, I’d totally be fine with it

I really hope they keep leaning into everybody just being weirded the fuck out by Bran. Dragons flying around and zombies on the march and nothing makes people more uncomfortable than the home schooled kid who cuts his own hair.

What a bunch of self-serving bullshit. You're one of the few posters I actively recognize as being terrible here and so of course you get on a high horse over this dumb bullshit story that was obviously a hoax from day one (This is MAGA Country! You know. 3 blocks from fucking Navy Pier. Jesus Christ.) and instead of

Recognizing that this story sounded fake as hell from the jump isn’t remotely the same as automatically assuming that all victims are liars, no matter how hard you try and lump everyone with a functioning brain and a healthy dose of skepticism in with the MAGAts and grays who are actually “exhibiting childish glee.

Well of course you would never apologize to everyone on here you damned as a racist for finding the story a bit fishy.  You’ve demonstrated on here for years that you’re just a hateful little troll. Hate is all you’ve got in your life apparently.  

The sad thing is how obviously stupid his story was from the get-go. But the woke warriors put aside all common sense because they wanted it to be true. MAGA dudes recognizing a 3rd tier actor from Empire. Lol. The only way the story could have been better is if he claimed the the guys had yelled, “Arent you that

I feel like Tahani has really fallen out of focus this season. Other than that encounter with her sister she's been mostly relegated to nice small moments (like trying to help Janet and Jason last time) and a few scattered jokes like the admittedly funny scarf bit.

gay guy here... it refers to “Idiocy”

a series is designed to watch in order, and the individual episodes need to be engrossing in their own right, not only in light of what comes later.”

You really are just a disingenuous fucknut, aren’t you?

Must have watched a different show. B-? Not even close. D- is more likely. The Egypt sketch and the dance sketch were some of the worst, laziest, and most boring bits they’ve done in quite some time. It was like they went back to the 90s and borrowed them from a C rated episode of All That. The only worthwhile laugh

She needs to drop that embarrassing stage name as soon as possible.

This was a great episode of Robert’s Hamburgers. It was especially funny when Tina solved the quintuple-homicide with Sideshow Bob. C+

Yikes. Did you even watch the episode? My guess is you saw a screenshot, read a cable guide description and called it a day.

Why this review though? You got the B-plot wrong... the rat was obviously alive and they had to take care of it. No mention of any of the guest voices? No mention of ANY OF THE MUSICAL NUMBERS? Some great callbacks too, like Boo Boo showing up at the end and Louise going crazy. The animation was fantastic in some of

Yeah, I’m not feeling this review at all. I mean, the montage of Tina’s boys through the seasons at the end alone (hello, zombie basketball team callback!)...