No, not the Kragle!
No, not the Kragle!
A lock that can easily be bricked is a bad lock.
to be fair, Pharrell (who said that first line) isn't very gangster and probably IS a nice dude in person.
An army of dogs, yes...
Congratulations, Luke, on posting the only "Game of Thrones Season 4 Starts in April" article on the entire internet featuring a picture of Davos.
Is that your mom's dildo?
This is a depressing Cyber Monday i must say if this is it.
What are Microsoft doing in there you ask?
Three men huddle around a campfire, eager to hear the story of an elite force of highly-feared soldiers. Ghosts,…
I love the DS3. However, the DS4 reminds me of the Logitech Cordless Action Controller, which my favorite controller last-last-gen. It's a shame the PS3 never got a successor to it.
The Typing of the Dead needs versus multiplayer. I'd smoke some fools with my 80wpm.
They're really delving deep into the catalog. 7th Guest? 7th GUEST?!? That game is 20 years old.
Damn there's some interesting looking titles on there.
Not if you take care of your shit. This is from being a slob. Plain and simple.
Nomination: Razer Deathstalker
I vote for "Uncircumcised Edition" in a new package design with added girth at the top.