I hit one in the small town of Wangen, near the Austrian border. I was set to order schnitzel until the farmer next to me got his braised chicken. It looked amazing, so I had to get it. It was.
That was a fun time. We were the only non-locals there and as Americans, were treated very well by both the staff and the…
If you’re in Germany, esp. in a small town, go find a gasthaus. The food is almost always great.
Switzerland is a ‘paradise’ because of their xenophobia. They have built their entire cultural identity around isolationism. The Swiss are both at the center of things (HQ of WHO, various UN agencies, etc.; banking capital of the world) and totally detached from it.
That may be where he got the idea—some ancient life insurance commercial. He gets most of his garbled ideas from TV. (Example: the “terrorist attacks in Sweden.” Remember that incident? It seems like a lifetime ago.)
I call bull on Donny posting those two tweets. He’s said this “$12 a year” / “$15 a month” in public before. If he can’t even retain the difference between life insurance and health insurance, he has not learned how to embed a video in a tweet.
I was thinking about those commercials yesterday when I picked up my fiance’s inhaler from the pharmacy. $45, and I thought to myself “For just $1.50 a day you can provide an American with lifesaving medicine.” We’re lucky that’s the only regular prescription either of us need, but it still sucks we pay $45/month just…
No she’s going to the Swiss one too, for tips about insanely xenophobic policies I’m guessing.
The best comparison in my mind is to Iraq and Afghan. Those were efforts that was nearly all the US with some UK pushing and the rest was a Coalition of the willing.
Once I thought it through, it would have meant that either it was totally seized that way or police sorted it by color, which would be hilarious... but unlikely. Dammit, I’m really way too young to be so old. That or listening to Trump really is making me stupider by the day.
Merkel was already accepting everyone who came through so it’s not like standing up to Turkey could’ve made things worse.
Thank you for this!
Soooo... just to make sure I read that right, Turkey illegally detained several EU citizens, and is now surprised that maybe their home country doesn’t want it as a member anymore?
John McCain is one of those Senators that I feel most conflicted about. The guy went through shit and torture and for years was a moderate in the GOP but recently his devotion to Party Loyalty (seemingly thinking he’ll get something in return) has seen him hypercritically vote on bills for years now (similar to Ken…
That’s what he gets for buying a Trump Machete
Failture to comply with the same regulations regarding ADA compliant services that taxis do has literally been the complaint since day one with these unregulated “sharing” economy businesses. This is one of the main reasons why Uber as a model is unfairly competitive.
The answers you seek to your other question can be…
That reminds me of an argument I recently had with my mother. We were shopping and came across some weird ‘unicorn flavoured’ vodka. I only showed it to her because the bottle was so ridiculously pink and glittery. Her first reaction was “that looks too appealing for children”. She didn’t seem to be able to understand…
Hm, no?