
Update from Germany:

And the Turkey situation has gotten much worse. This is a big deal, and I’m really surprised not to see much of it in the international press. Turkey detained some German activists. Here is some info from Deutsche Welle on one of the detainees (English text is on the left):

did anyone cover that Trump thinks health insurance costs $14 a year!

Throughout Germany, chain restaurants are the exception. Walk 20 feet out of the train station, and find any restaurant on the street. It’s going to be individually managed and run. In Munich, I’d specifically recommend that you avoid the huge beer halls, and find a nice small restaurant with a beer garden and eat

Yeah, also WHY DON’T THEY USE THE DOOR LOCKS? for the love of god, just lock the door. There was so much time to lock the doors.

treated players like you might have treated your little brother.

Agreed. Pretty cheap in Germany too. My GF tells me they’re in Canada also.

Agreed. Pretty cheap in Germany too. My GF tells me they’re in Canada also.

Actually, some people have estimated that the number of forgeries going thorugh places like this could be quite high. If true, auction houses would have a vested interest in establishing provenance superficially only. If they look to closely, they might find a huge amount of their catalogue are fakes. If they don’t

Kelly also hasn’t engaged the 18-49 age bracket

Yes, but it’s the sidebar. If it was the mainbar or in the center of the screen, that’d be different.

And this is why I wasn’t allowed to touch my Dad’s shiny gold NES cartridge Zelda until he was finished with the game. I was a little older than your brat, but I still couldn’t be trusted to push in reset then power.

Yes, but you have to turn all the way to page six to see that. On the internet it’s only ever one click away.

I would say Frenglish gets a pass. It’s clearly a pidgin sentence, so who cares, really?

Who’s the Genji main in MLB?

Also, they’re petty enough to mispell his name on purpose because they think it’s a shot against him and not themselves.

As a teacher, I’ve rounded 79 to 80, hell even 78 to 80. But never 76.

Good luck Mr. Davies. He’s up against Michel Barnier:

The liberatrians in the US skew strongly republican. While theoretically they would support the Democrats platform on social liberty, they instead get dragged into the net of “small govt” republicans. I just can’t see a significant portion of these guys actually being democrats.

He rounds up 36% to 40%, then claims it’s not that bad, even though it’s the worst ever of a president 6 months in. Just imagine if he had not inherited a full-on economic recovery how low his rating would be.

Update from Germany:

A folkfest near Stuttgart is kindling immigration worries. Small riots broke out after police tried to enter the festival and take control. In the same festival, sexual assaults were reported by 2 women (aged 17 and 25). The assaults apparently were committed by refugees. The victims were 2 women,