Yeah. Extensively.
Yeah. Extensively.
I feel like this is really understaed. They seem to have a middling-ok QA department measuring card power and deck types and so on, but they have a terribly idea of rating what is fun to play against. When a card or worse a deck just shuts down whole ways of playing against them, it really ruins the fun for me.
Perhaps it’s due to perception, but that perception comes with a general inability to counter the deck, and that it was really not fun to play against.
I’ll try to do some updates periodically. I’ve got 4 weeks of vacation coming soon where I am back in the US, so I may miss some updates then.
Sorry, I kept calling the social democratic party lib dems. Too much British politics.
I’m wondering if I ought to be providing updates from Germany. The election here is getting closer. but it’s probably going to be the same grand coalition.
Failure rate is still 100%.
Oh don’t worry, it’s somewhere around 3o hours a week under Obmacare. Before Obamacare, the threshhold was set by states or worse the employer. No one’s taking Obamacare away right? Right?
Yeah, I guess it depends on how bigotted you think those people are.
Stars for saying in 5 words what I took 3 paragraphs to say.
I keep saying this, because it’s important:
Nah it’s all good. The bar has been lowered.
No. This isn’t really the take away. It’s not making you stupid. This is a pretty lazy headline for this experiment.
The fake headlines are the same as the real ones, except they include “Global Warming: A New Age of Extinction.”
It appears to be dated right around 1900. Note “dominion of Canada,” and the dates in the legend box at the bottom.
Nah, by the end it was the Raj, and part of why Victoria got to call herself empress and not just queen. They took pretty direct control after the honorable east india company turned out to be not so honorable.
Guys. You are missing the lede.
Yeah, I can’t tell how much of this is sarcasm, on a scale of 0-100%. This is one of those situations where there’s a giant wave coming. Let’s ride it out and not get crushed by it.
Being empowered doesn’t mean being anti-sex.
Hi Patrick. Great work as always.