
Eh. As a pschometrician (look it up), I think the idea of trying to use a rating like this is fine, but the implementation wasn’t ever going to give you the best data. HotS has a slightly better system where they ask you questions like “Rate the hero you played,” “Rate the map,” “Rate the balance,” and so on.

Of course, the differences are probably quite profound in French. My point was that in English, the differences between francophone accents aren’t as obvious.

Yes but when both a Texan and a Canadian try to speak French, the differences are much less profound. Said from an American who often speaks German with a American accent. Many can tell I’m American (not British) but many others can’t, they just recognize the English speech patterns.

Fair choice. And you’re probably right about the production.

Agreed. Now and forever:

Nothing new here. Remember when he called in all the press to announce that Obama was in fact born in the USA.

Thanks! I missed that they found it. All the way up in Norway. Damn.

Seven grand for a car over 100k miles that’s not a vette or classic camaro is a mistake. Hell even those probably are too, but at least those are ones you can enjoy making.

Not always. They are often still subject to laws and regulations. That varies by country and state. But those laws and regulations are almost always less strict and as often as not go unenforced.

I visited the Dachau concentration camp memorial a couple years ago. The most surreal thing was that the night before some idiots had stolen the gate with “arbeit macht frei” on top. The night before. The large, heavy, iron-wrought gate.

Dear Hillary,

If only I could give more stars for good nautical jokes. It would make navigating comment sections a little easier!

I mean to be fair, I’m not Kurt Cobain or wolves howling at a moon, but my t-shirts say that I am.

Go for it! Doesn’t ruin my childhood, and it might be kind of fun.

Splitting hairs there.

Gone is the day of staying home from school (or work), and turning on the Price is Right and mindlessly yelling (or sickly coughing) out prices.

Now playing

It’s a law that’s never been enforced. Even that case you mention here was dropped.

huh? Germany’s not North fucking Korea. I’m an American living in Germany. I have the same freedoms (plus good healthcare).

What specifically do you mean is tacky? Blizzard art has a distinctive style with exaggeratted armor, especially about the shoulders, and a distinct cartoony feel. You see it in all of their games, so it’s natural to see it in HotS.