
My name, Ixosis, is a name I made up in 5th grade when trying to come up with something to call my druid in Diablo 2 that was also unique. I just put some letters together and voila, Ixosis is born. I use it everywhere now because it's never taken. No one can pronounce it either, and it usually spawns interesting

How about the Good Samaritan? He paid for the beaten man's room and board for a full week, and told the innkeeper that at the end of the week, he would pay for any other expenses the man incurred. How many people could do the same today, financially?

Isn't his employer the federal government? If so, I believe he's representing them quite accurately with giving us the physical middle finger that congress is doing symbolically(?)

Plus, by the time of a Steam Sale there will be awesome mods for the game as well

Bushwhacked. That's the only other film I've ever seen him in

you mean almost every THING in the USA contains HFCS ;)

"Hedges are made out of solid concrete"

Correction, it IS $100k in cash prizes PLUS numerous other non-cash prizes:

This sounds like a great idea!

a UL policy is still a UL police, no matter what they dress it up in. They are notorious for imploding on themselves. The underlying coverage is actually an Annual Renewable Term, which means every year the cost of insurance goes up, but you pay the same premium. When the premium you pay no longer covers the cost of

I would say be careful around age 70.5, because by then required minimum distributions come into play. They're basically forced liquidations of your account, and the government stipulates how much you have to withdraw every year thereafter. I think the RMD's basically drain your accounts by age 85, but I would

Wrong, Wrong, Wrong.

So I take it the car was suppose to stop automatically?

Now playing

The opening of this song is relevant here, as well as the chorus

I believe it is only a singular "Win". The cheaper production would not be passed to us, this is Apple after all.

You can make a big hit with good form. Just have to break down so you don't be the flailing torpedo. It's really not hard once you actually learn how to chop your feet properly

The love of the "big hit."

Being a former college football player myself, I've been finding somewhat disturbing studies - the results are early - that seem to show our understanding of a concussion, and what can cause it, isn't quite so accurate.

Football players are taught to put their face mask on their target. This is so that if the ball carriers moves left or right, you hit with the shoulder pad and can still make a tackle. They're also taught to never put your head down, as you can obviously injure someone, most likely yourself, or miss the tackle

The reason for the low legendary drop rate, if I'm remembering correctly, is that the drop rate is affected by what was on the Auction House. So the more legendary items on the Auction House, the less chance everyone had of finding them in game, since the interest was in keeping a balanced market.

So when the auction