We need a constitutional amendment restricting the ability of corporations to act as people. Unlimited campaign donations? why not just be forward and say "Purchasing Politicians?"
We need a constitutional amendment restricting the ability of corporations to act as people. Unlimited campaign donations? why not just be forward and say "Purchasing Politicians?"
so what exactly do we put into the letter to opt out of the new clause?
Glad I bought Minecraft when it was at $15. Best investment in a game I ever made
Actually it takes 125ish hours if you win 80-90% of your games with a Kill/Death ratio of about 2.
the video says its private...
if calling a game GOTY means I get all the expansions and DLC for the same price as the normal game, then you can call any game the GOTY, especially when the GOTY edition goes on sale.
she only gets the shares if Yahoo's sstock goes higher. So its not $68 million, it's potentially more. Only if the stock rises though
Did you see how many people he took down? He needs those sunglasses cause the sun never sets on a badass
Good point, Sir.
what they don't say here, is now there will only be 3 map packs per year so you're now paying $5 more than what you usually would
BF3 will have mod support...
Didn't we already establish this with DLC content shipping on discs, but having to pay for it to be unlocked as "DLC"?
Most areas only have one ISP/Cable provider, and as such, the said provider can do whatever the fuck they want; almost literally too.
buy those toe shoes, and then put the socks on over them
at first I thought it was sarah palin
Excuse or Accuse?
It looks like it's made of cardboard.
So is this just Kotaku trolling us? Posting a singular picture of two dudes laying on the ground on top of each other?
if only the mods could be pushed out to the consoles. Community Content > Developer Content.