No mystery here.
No mystery here.
Mitch McConnell
Have a star dammit.... this is too good.
Wing and faux vent delete?
One can only hope, speaking as an American.
Lucy is the nerd girl who used to tell on you to the teacher. So therefore +1 and -1
Except where you have to get underneath the car to change the turn signal. Sheesh.
Actually, they should do some jail time in a perfect world.
I read the memos and if anything, it makes Frump & Co. look more stupid and complicit than ever. Nice work Repub leakers.
More stars. I thank you for your work.
US version built in China? Hard pass. I have a 2009 built in Michigan. Strangely enough it was manufactured on my birthday and has been a great, reliable little car for a DD.
PA and WV are in close running on I-81.
They are 3 pairs for $10 at Walmart. Don’t ask me how I know this.
Good lord! Who doest that?
You can’t see the rear end when you’re driving it, so why bother.
Plus they will flunk yearly inspections (in Virginia), all the lights have to work.
Noting here to see, No cheeto size and no wiggle.
Too true... I fell out of my CJ5 once. It was... educational.