The Blue Moon got a pass from the ARB nannies for now.
The Blue Moon got a pass from the ARB nannies for now.
But we’re one of the best small cities in America? and Mom and Dad are paying for those spec apartments on Main St. to flip.
81 in WVa. is a fucking nightmare of poorly maintained roads and constant construction to make said roads worse.
C’ville popos don’t roll that way. They’re all about parking tickets and speed traps.
Albemarle Co. resident here and could not agree more. If anything, the city council has perpetuated this nonsense.
Most are from the redneck parts of Albemarle Co., Greene and Madison. Plenty ‘o rednecks up there.
Lowe’s appearantly sold out.
I live in Charlottesville and this garbage has been going on for months. Now we get to ramp it up with that asshat Richard Spencer. For a supposedly liberal city in Virginia, Charlottesville has proven itself to be just a racist as any in the US.
No catch fence is safe. Expect it to go side eye at any time.
That looks like Elon.
a good bit of debate in the Jalopnik sauna after work hours
Kinja “experiment.” Like continuos scrolling posts.
Not shade.
Well ok, you can have a star.
Just tell them it’s another R5 concept.
Or a random Walmart in the background.
This needs more love.
See: Tracy, David