
The league can and the league should, are two different things. The league can't just take a team. Not without expecting a serious legal battle that they will likely lose, resulting in millions upon millions in court fees and settlements.

I'm glad I'm not the only one that thinks she is a tranny.

You obviously didn't read past that part.

Unfortunately, a lot of people seem to think that the players rising up against their owners and the league is completely cool and totally appropriate. I guess they forget that this kind of behavior, is what creates lockouts.

My real question is why is someone recording audio in his house?

If you knew the man, you'd know the only option would be go behind his back and do what you wanted.

My wife and I wanted a low budget wedding. We joked about having our reception at a Bowling Alley because at the time, we were going bowling once a week ($10 for unlimited after 9pm on thursday.)

Do you also have video of the stroke that ended Anthony Weiner's career?

Am I the only one laughing over the fact that they can't say pee?

It still amazes me that people pay money to run.

This is one of those things about baseball that takes away from it in my opinion. Not the pine tar itself but the way most rules are acceptably broken. The rules in baseball are not really rules per say but more guidelines. Break those guidelines and MAYBE you will be punished. I just can't understand that.

That goal against the flyers was the most anticlimactic finish of any stanley cup final.

I cant believe anyone would try to defend Cooke's character. I still remember the hit on Savard that basically ended his career.

I'm still amazed this guy can actually skate and play decent hockey. He seems he'd be a complete oaf.

How have I never seen this before. It's like he cried for 5 minutes with his eyes closed and when he opened them, 5 minutes of tears poured out at once.

No, it isn't. As a Christian who's actually involved in church, running youth ministry and leading worship, I can tell you this is far from offensive.

I have a rib just under my left shoulder blade that will pop out of place on occasion and until it finds its way home, it can be quite unpleasant. Sneezing and coughing are by far the worst but deep breaths can be equally painful.

Something something hockey player something something tough.

I think my favorite reaction was that of Lind's who seemed to mouth "Its okay" towards her. Usually you'd expect a player to be furious but it seems to me based on his body language and what I can lipread that he was understanding. +1 for not being a dick.

I think he's referring to this.