
He'll recover just in the knick of time.

He's a bit knicked up but I'm sure he'll return.

Knicks and stones may break his bones but names will never hurt him.

I showed this to my foster brother and his response was this:

"Black people."

Note: He is black.

This is another example of a common tie between many athletes and celebrities as well.

The feeling of being invincible is just that. A feeling.

I don't know how it starts but it almost always ends badly.

Even if this is meant as a joke, I almost agree. Considering all that's happened with him, I am amazed he can even walk.

I'm not sure who would be the immovable object or unstoppable force, but I believe science could benefit from watching the last 2 minutes of this game.

Wasn't the first time Geno got intercepted.

Yea, the area I commute to and work out of is like that.

The part of New Jersey that most people don't get to see, is about 40 minutes east of cherry hill. Most people only know the area as "the towns that surround Atlantic City" but there is much more to it. 25-30 minutes south of AC is the opposite of what most

Wrong part of New Jersey. Where I live, there are only a few streets where left turns aren't allowed and we don't have jug handles.

I grew up on the coast of south jersey. Its where the term shoobie is applied quite liberally during the summer. I can attest to the fact that in that area especially, NJ really hates PA.

Plus, PA drivers are terrible and shouldn't be allowed outside of their state's borders.

As someone who rarely watches basketball anymore, I really enjoyed this. Maybe its the rags to riches story, maybe its his innocence or maybe its the way he reminds me of a former player I know with a similar background (Ben Nwachukwu, who could've been an NBA prospect had he gone somewhere other than Columbia and had

Personally, I'm growing tired of this.

If someone offered me a free education, an opportunity to play a sport I love on a national level and to get televised in the process, I'd take it without a question.

Usually its another Rivers throwing his arms in disbelief in January.

I agree. I genuinely feel bad for him. Here's a guy who really loves to play the game and has been groomed his entire life to play it. He finally makes it to the NBA and he falls apart.

I can't see him being an asshole considering he went from one of the most promising NBA draft picks, to one of its biggest busts.

I'm still waiting for the Jeep Gladiator.

As horrifying as it was, I could see a company releasing a vehicle similar to the Voyager III today. With gas prices and ecological concern on the rise, a family van that could shrink to a hyper efficient commuter car might actually make some amount of sense.

I remember when Madden first implemented a realistic Peyton Manning AI and it was both comical because of how often the AI would audible and realistic because he is so active prior to the snap.

I second the provolone. When I ate meat, it was the only cheese that would grace my sandwich.

Now that I am Vegan, I get my cheesesteaks in the form of Seitan and Daiya. It's not quite the same but you'd be surprised how good it actually is.

Bengal tigers and Indians? Its just like the Jungle Book!

I also love that Deadspin is looked at, ONLY as a site that ridicules people, when a good percentage of the posts I read are more about sports highlights.

I guess sports writers for newspapers are still butthurt about the whole internet thing.