I don't think hes implying the NFL is behind the missed call but rather that it would've greatly affected the end of the game.
As an Eagles fan, even a terrible season like the one they had last year, can be made better by the Cowboy's missing the playoffs in their typical fashion.
Royyyy royyy royyyyyyy
Most Christians like to pretend that their is some sliding scale to sin, with different values placed on different sins. Even if homosexuality is a sin in God's eyes, its no different than any other sin and as a result, we are all on an even playing field.
I can't tell if you're agreeing or disagreeing with me. What I was saying is, that the Old Testament law, outside of the 10 commandments, is completely irrelevant due to Christ's sacrifice.
I bring up that law from Leviticus because there are a large portion of Christians that like to cite Levitical law regarding…
As a Christian man myself, I am embarrassed by most other Christians out there. Why? Because they aren't properly educated in the scripture.
The Old Testament no longer applies due to the New Testament. It's more or less a history book, with a unique list of prophecies that were all fulfilled when Jesus came. (you can…
This is exactly what I have been saying since this thing happened. My favorite part of the old testament is where women have to sacrifice 2 doves after their period or they can't reenter the church. Don't see any of them doing that.
It's not really a fundamentalist issue but really an issue of 0 knowledge of scriptures.
I get the vibe that spiderman is at least an amateur MMA fighter. But Batman and Robin look like MMA fan's that thought they could fight.
Especially given their builds.
Vick has always had a cannon of an arm, he's just not as accurate as other top tier QB's which is why he struggled to become one. I am an Eagles fan and even I can see that he is a solid QB but not as a starter anymore. His inability to stay healthy and his hit-or-miss deepthrow is tough to build a team around.
The "oh crap" moment at the end when the moose turns around and starts coming at them is priceless.
But whatever happened to the butcher and the baker?
I once took my foster brother to his first NBA game to watch the 76ers play the Heat. We got a great package so I could take all of his siblings plus a few friends (all in all it was me and 9 kids ages 12-15.)
We were put in the handicap section right was right in front of a group of somewhat noisy, somewhat drunk…
Based on the comments, you'd think all Jalopnik readers are rocket scientists.
I would've never expected a ref to talk to the players quite like they do. I don't know exactly how I expected them to talk to them during the game but I just didn't think it would sound anything like this.
Anyone with kids should be laughing at this.
Best 3rd period ever.
Shouldn't this have been up and down (traveling)?
"The Heat were down double-digits in the third quarter of a crucial (as crucial as a basketball game in December can be, anyway) match-up against the Heat...."
Damn... they got so good that they have to play themselves?
I still remember Matt Bryant's kick from 2006. Its definitely the worst way to lose a game. You convince yourself that because of the distance that your team has it in the bag, but no, some should-be soccer player, steals it away.
Kickers are really the biggest dicks in sports.