
“The nylon sculpture is based on a porcelain figurine of a ballerina in a blue tutu,” is not a proper attribution if you know who made that original porcelain figure. It’s bad artist-form, the kind of thing that would get work marked down in art school. Copying is fine — but you must tell WHO you copied from.

I agree. There is a vast middle ground between current standard practice and banning morcellation for uterine surgery. It isn’t possible to definitely diagnose uterine sarcomas from MRI & CT, there are some indicators visible on standard imaging. Negative imaging plus a negative biopsy should be a pretty good

I had grapefruit-sized fibroids that nearly caused me to bleed to death (literally—my hemoglobin count dropped to 4.1). Instead of a hysterectomy, I opted for uterine fibroid embolization, a non-invasive procedure that cuts off the blood supply to the fibroids. The symptoms lifted immediately, it was done under

I had a laparoscopic hysterectomy two years ago. My uterus (which was the size of a four month pregnancy from fibroids) was morcellated in order to remove it. I had researched the procedure and went in for surgery knowing this was a possibility. I love my doctor, but this was the only way she was willing to do the

I have to speak up on this one. I have had the da Vinci morcellation surgery to remove a gigantic fibroid and it changed my life. Without it, I likely would have had to get a hysterectomy in my early 30's. My recovery was three days with minimal pain and scarring. And I still had my fertility.

Phew, thank god we don’t have that accomplished gracious black lady deplaning Air Force One dressed in shorts, according to my conservative relative, that was directly a part of Obama humiliating us on the world’s stage. I’m not sure how this FOX News wet dream of a presidency ends, but it will be bizarre and awful


It’s Ragnarok. The Midgard serpent is about to emerge and consume mar-a-lago whole.

Ok maybe, but when a certain group of people repeatedly threaten and demean you that’s bullying and pretty black and white. It’s real, it happens a lot, and adults look the other way using your exact point as an excuse.

fwiw I think people really should only use the word “bully” when referring to an ongoing campaign of harassment against a person or group by another person or group. Anyone who was bullied can tell you it’s not just a single incident, but something that happens with enough frequency that it has a significant impact on

What a load of crap. The tape was years old by the time it leaked, right?

with his “empathic ears.”

I know, it’s just exhausting to continually have to repeat these things and be dismissed as ‘over emotional’ or ‘hysterical’. My heart broke at the end when he said he never wanted to do this again.

I can tell from this drivel you’re spouting that you know nothing of what you speak.

I literally think that Downie’s push here in his last days has finally made my dad start to step outside his own racist beliefs (the standard older generation nonsense that Indigenous folks just won’t help themselves) and consider that Canada is kind of fucked up in this regard. I think there are probably many more

Incredible interview with Jesse Wente, which gives real perspective on this:

Somehow never connected mother and son until this post. Seconding the ‘get fucked, Barbs’. I bought a copy of the most recent Walrus for a train ride and tbh it was only very fine. The cover story was lol.

You know, everyone who said they’d donate to that prize is white and middle-class. I’m a friend of Nikki’s, and couldn’t be prouder of her for taking a hard stand on this. It was unacceptable, it was mortifying, and it makes the whole fucking country look bad.

To my mind, the Twitter Laff Riot was a far more dismaying thing than either e editorial or the resignation of Niedzevecki. Some of my country’s most senior and prominent journalists spent the evening circle-jerking and being oh so transgressive. Then in the morning offered up halfassed apologies.

Great article. The point made in the article, quoted below, seems to be the tack taken all too often to defend all too many things that do not have justifiable defenses in and of themselves because they are indefensible.