
“Yes, Maria said that it wasn’t in the script, and she said it years ago, but Maria’s dead, so believe me. I mean, believe me now, not believe me when I said I deliberately wanted to film Maria Schneider’s sexual humiliation and not the character Jeanne’s sexual humiliation. Believe this version of my story, please.”

correct. a ridiculous misunderstanding between your concept of consent and reality.

a child under 14 dating back a decade, according to the Megan’s Law website — said he was lied to by a girl about her age

You think the assholes who say things like the guy you’re replying to are real people or paid shills? I almost hope it’s a shill, the alternative is way more depressing.

There are videos of her in east Aleppo, both at home and with known Aleppo activists, so guess what? You’re dead wrong and shitting out Russian propaganda. And dismissing Syrian rebels as terrorists is racist as fuck. Your ISIS/CIA thing is straight-up tin foil hat bullshit—Daesh’s history is well-known, idiot, and

And of course it’s not just Aleppo. Russian planes bombed the towns of Kafranbel and Maarat al-Numan in the Idlib province just today, targeting markets where families were shopping and killing at least fifty people. I’ll spare you the photos of dead children.

It is hard for me to comprehend how anyone can demonize refugees after hearing such stories and seeing their faces. It is possible that someone like Trump just doesn’t care to hear about people like Bana and instead focuses his attention on the ones that are responsible for horrible acts of violence. Or perhaps he

This makes me feel better about Christmas.

I would LOVE to see any one of these racist fuckwits DARE to mouth off to Michael Dorn. He could snap them in half with an eyelid.

And throws a screeching harpy fit over a mixed race family in a Cheerios ad.

This reminds me of Ben Carson’s black Jesus painting.

They twinkle and he looks so merry!

How empty are their lives that they can legit find the time to get worked up about the color of Santa? I mean I’m so busy with just my family and worrying about the havoc trump is creating. Like where does the fucking energy come from for these people that cannot help themselves but worry about the most idiotic crap?

Right? Even just from the pictures he seems like a charming man.

Watching this episode of Good Times as a black girl in the 70s blew my mind. The thought that Jesus might not have been a white man was frightening and revelatory at the same time.

He’s such a cute santa too. 😕

And I thought St Nicholas was Turkish. A bishop or something? Anyway, Turkey, yeah, not quite your Aryan homeland, there.

God I hate everyone.

A black Santa works at my nearby hardware store. At least, there’s a black guy who works at the Lowe’s near me who looks JUST like Santa. The red Lowe’s vest makes him look extra Santa-like, and he is there all year ‘round! I do not understand this obsession with people insisting Santa is white. What is recognizable

Santa is a myth, all these racist fuckwits need to take a step back.