These people have power that they need to be stripped of. Others of their ilk need to know there are consequences, even in a post-Trump society.
These people have power that they need to be stripped of. Others of their ilk need to know there are consequences, even in a post-Trump society.
Nobody being injured here? Are you a little black girl living in West Virginia?
I think doing what we can to make the worst stuff public at least helps at the margins to make it slightly less acceptable. It’s good to see that at least some people face consequences for saying disgusting things like that nowadays, even while a lot of others are getting away with it. It’s not like their replacements…
The idiot didn’t even say “an ape in heels.” She said, a ape in heels. “A ape.”
It’s a forum to call them out and get them out of office. There’s actual action that can be had here for the better instead of letting them get away with it by keeping it local.
which is remarkably funny, because melania totally aped the first lady’s speech, in heels.
Germany is pretty much the only country that doesn’t whitewash its history, and makes damn sure children are raised learning everything about its past mistakes so they won’t make them again. Virtually no other country does that.
This is all, horrifyingly, true.
“I would be very careful about exercising your First Amendment right to freedom of speech. Free speech in a Trump administration extends only to fawning praise, not to criticism or dissent of any kind. You knew this when you voted us in.” -said the scorpion to the fucked democracy.
Kellyanne Conway, Trump’s one-time campaign manager and current transition team advisor, has responded to Sen. Harry…
“I would say...” No, you overprivileged grifter fuck. You DO say. You insist. You demand. You point your finger at the camera and say it with the same intensity with which you stirred up this racist, misogynist stew.
Let’s neuter this fucker in 2018, then kick him the fuck out in 2020.
This whole fucking country is turning into that “YOU, ALL RIGHT? I LEARNED IT BY WATCHING YOU!” drug PSA.
It’s not you. He’s gross.
they are draining the swamp and it appears, at least at first glance, that the bottom feeders Gingrich, Guliani, and Christie along with other assorted pieces of republican shit were all that was found.
Poor decision making, even from a selfish perspective, seeing as how a blind trust would have outperformed Trump’s own returns over the years.
God. Hassan Minhaj already made me cry once, I love him. I’m trying not to think of all the Muslim people like him or I’ll cry again. In what world it’s ok to hate an entire group for the actions of some of them? Going to yell at my dad right now, BRB, have to make an international call.
yeah, hillary won the majority of those making $50k per year or less. most trump voters were making $70k or more. so it sure as hell wasn’t about class. it was about turning the usual dogwhistles into bullhorns. and to the extent that it was about class for some people, it was rural white folks who wanted to stick it…
yaaa can we talk about this screaming british head video for a minute? what is with his popularity? it’s getting too many shares and I’m baffled. and embarrassed. just, guys, please stop this. shudda your faces for a day. urgh. your hot take is not deep or insightful. you live in as much a gd bubble as the people you…
fair enough... if brexit is anything to go by you have good cause to be worried (they took racism is ok to heart when the vote went their way..)