
Commentor Busslayer upthread summed it up best. It’s not about black voters, it’s about white voters. Specifically, it is about the white voters who are on the fence about casting their ballot for Trump due to his racism. This gives them the “out” they want. It soothes their nerves when they can say he reached out to

I remember hearing about that, too. As I recall, health officials were collecting the blood to be centrifuged in a big Rubbermaid-type trash can. *shudder *

I’m with you regarding the respect of diversity of opinion and private property.

And after he died even. Glad they set it straight but that still freaking sucks.

Um, to turn sideways a bit: WhyTheHell were we importing “commercial blood products” from Haiti? Isn’t it bad enough that the French were collecting Haitian revolution compensation payments as late as the 1960's? What were we doing? Vampiring the lifeblood from the Haitian people?

It’ll be really hard to outdo their fabulous graphics at the DNC, when the entire Jumbotron appeared to shatter & rain a million pieces of glass down through all the other smaller screens and the stage. That was SO much awesome! (It’s no wonder Trump was jealous of the DNC, because she out-WWE’d him.)

I feel kind of bad for people who are clowns as a job. Like a nice clown that goes to a hospital to cheer up sick kids. I feel bad for them.

Nothing scarier than a clown...

I will personally buy him his pink granny panties.

And where is this decree written?

To demand someone be out simply for being a public figure doesn’t sit right with me at all.

Your sexuality, and how you manage it, is nobody’s business but your own. Nobody gets to tell you when the “right time” to come out is, and anyone who judges you is forgetting that in the not-so-distant past, being open about your lifestyle had very real, hurtful and sometimes violent consequences.

She has a rare terminal condition related to overconsumption of zinc and will die soon?

You know what, not to straightsplain their relationship of devalue it, even if they had been roommates and “great companions” after 50 years of being together he’s much more entitled to the property than some rado relative that probably sent a Christmas card one a year.

I’m 30, single and looking to stay that way. My nephew and neice are the benficiaries of everything I own and all policies on my pensions etc. What I find crazy is that you’d challenge your uncle’s partner for what your uncle clearly wanted him to have after said uncle died.

What’s particularly crazy is that they’re not even children or siblings of the deceased -they’re *nieces and nephews*. WTF?

Yes. His family is Native American, Irish, and Welsh. Descended from Zilla and Maddoc. At Tara in this fateful hour, I call on heaven with all its power. Etc. Calvin’s mother is the link between the past and the future.

So freaking excited for this.

As an Indian-American though, I gotta stress that one of the most important parts of this article is that only 7% of us are voting for Trump. He is absolutely detested and reviled amongst the family and friends I have who are also Indian-American (yes, I know anecdotal).