
This is wonderful. It gives me hope.

Also this:

That is really nice. Also telling that instead of first expressing concern for the safety of all involved, Trump attributes the act (w/out evidence) to supporters of his opponent. Trump is so dangerous.

Rather confused message, there. Why would one use a Nazi symbol to try to scare folks one’s equating with Nazis?

Omg I saw the Kansas thing. What horrific irony that they decided to utilize white nationalist terrorism to protect us all from the scary muslim terrorism.

Those two tweets from Clinton and Trump tell you just about everything you need to know about the candidates.

lol, says the fuckstain who somehow managed to get elected in librul meccah New York City with all those dead Democrats voting against him.

The words spray painted on the building were spelled correctly. It might not have been a Trump supporter.

Is it horrible and reprehensible that I immediately went to ‘false flag’ on this?

And what I meant is that you jumping right to “American English” enables racist fuckwads like the guy you were talking about. Don’t enable bigotry (that’s from your link, which is a site to fight against assumptions like the one you made). And certainly don’t double down on enabling bigotry - that ain’t a good look.

Actually, that makes me pedantic and angry. English is not the official language of the U.S.A. - there is no official language. None.

A few of his armed supporters have already begun to hang around outside of Clinton campaign offices. But they’re in open carry states, so it’s all peachy.

This! Trump is reading Russian propaganda at his rallies but Clinton and the Democrats are the dictators. How can you reason with that insanity?

How the fuck do people not see the ridiculousness of saying you fear a dictatorship, while supporting censorship of the press, jailing your opponent, hacking and releasing your opponent’s campaign emails, voter intimidation, and threats of violence if the election doesn’t turn out the way you want? HOW ARE PEOPLE SO

“Speak American”

Pence. Because he knows how evil and insane Trump is, but is enabling him to do it. He could have shut the whole thing down by repudiating Trump completely.

Oh, but Crooked Hillary is rigging the election.

 “If Billy had been passive or responded ‘Shut the f— up’ to Trump, Billy would have been out of a job the next day,”

Is he, though? It seems his only claim to fame is coming up with wild fucking stories for the press.

EXACTLY. Trump just admitted, to his face, that he’d sexually assaulted women, and what does this chucklefuck do? Make Zucker hug a self admitted predator, and then “one for Bushy, too”.