
we've already got Shar'ia law powers for employers in this country, thanks to last year's Hobby Lobby Supreme Court ruling. :/

Thanks for listening to commenters! I was the one that asked for a "What's up with..." on microbeads! I feel famous!

No it's excuse making. You're trying to imply that black people wouldn't think that what happened HERE was so bad if we knew that slavery was a regular practice there.

What the fuck does any of that have to do with the horrors that are involved in the institution of slavery in the United States.

"When will the white community leaders stand up and condemn this epidemic of serial killers?"

Dear Certain White People (you know who you are),

I assumed the WBC would somehow need to navigate a several-thousand Trekker deep blockade to even get near the funeral.

It completely dominates the conversation. I mean, the one year visit is when your kid starts walking, theoretically weaned from breast milk to cow's milk and should be drinking from an adult glass. The child is highly mobile and therefore requires a discussion about childproofing and safety to prevent the number one

In addition to the outright anti-vaxxers, there's a school of thought that says kids get too many vaccinations all at once and spreading them out is safer. The wider medical community doesn't agree with it AT ALL but there you are.

I see small thumbnails of it as blue and black, and the big version as white and gold.

My four year old niece told me she had a dream about a barn owl flying in through the kitchen window, and that if she tried to have the dream she would have it. I hope I don't have to go chasing after her or her baby sister through a labyrinth any time soon...

Well, yeah, I think that's to be expected. It sounds like there's some good evidence her employer was negligent, and she had to deal with weeks of hospitalization, the emotional distress that comes with knowing you might die, and what sound like long term consequences to her health.

Just got a pair of Sorels this year! They're amazing and I love them.

I started to read, and then realized that this is not directed at people who live in northern Canada where it is well below -20C (-4 F) for 6-8 months a year.

Consider how you are dressed.

"To put up a fight," but not if he wants to drive. Got it.

UG...I hate this fucking song...and I had to use it in a slideshow for a friends wedding at her damned request! (I'm a cheap photographer/etc for hire for friends weddings). It was the wrong time to be an anally retentive perfectionist, I tell you....I heard that song exactly 4 billion trillion kajillion times as I

Someone needs to teach her better taste in both shoes and men if she is looking for and dating men who are as worthless and need as much help as she describes.